Annals of GIS

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1947-5683
e-ISSN: 1947-5691
Access Period: 2009-11-20 -

Annals of the Association of American Geographers

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0004-5608
e-ISSN: 1467-8306
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Arid Land Research and Management

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1532-4982
e-ISSN: 1532-4990
Access Period: 2001-01-01 -

Australian Geographer

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0004-9182
e-ISSN: 1465-3311
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Children's Geographies

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1473-3285
e-ISSN: 1473-3277
Access Period: 2003-03-01 -

Coastal Management

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0892-0753
e-ISSN: 1521-0421
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Development in Practice

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0961-4524
e-ISSN: 1364-9213
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Development Southern Africa

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0376-835X
e-ISSN: 1470-3637
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

European Planning Studies

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0965-4313
e-ISSN: 1469-5944
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Gender & Development

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1355-2074
e-ISSN: 1364-9221
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Gender Place & Culture

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0966-369X
e-ISSN: 1360-0524
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -


Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1103-5897
e-ISSN: 2000-0863
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Housing Studies

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0267-3037
e-ISSN: 1466-1810
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Housing Theory and Society

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1403-6096
e-ISSN: 1651-2278
Access Period: 1999-07-01 -

International Journal of Water Resources Development

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0790-0627
e-ISSN: 1360-0648
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

International Planning Studies

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1356-3475
e-ISSN: 1469-9265
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Irish Geography

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0075-0778
e-ISSN: 1939-4055
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Cultural Geography

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0887-3631
e-ISSN: 1940-6320
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Geography

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0022-1341
e-ISSN: 1752-6868
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Geography in Higher Education

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0309-8265
e-ISSN: 1466-1845
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Property Research

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0959-9916
e-ISSN: 1466-4453
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Spatial Science

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1449-8596
e-ISSN: 1836-5655
Access Period: 2004-06-01 -

Journal of the American Planning Association

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0194-4363
e-ISSN: 1939-0130
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Urban Design

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1357-4809
e-ISSN: 1469-9664
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Urban Technology

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1063-0732
e-ISSN: 1466-1853
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1754-9175
e-ISSN: 1754-9183
Access Period: 2008-03-01 -

Landscape Research

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0142-6397
e-ISSN: 1469-9710
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -


Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1745-0101
e-ISSN: 1745-011X
Access Period: 2006-03-01 -

Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0029-1951
e-ISSN: 1502-5292
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Oxford Development Studies

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1360-0818
e-ISSN: 1469-9966
Access Period: 2000-02-01 -

Planning & Environmental Law

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1548-0755
e-ISSN: 1556-8601
Access Period: 2004-01-01 -

Planning Perspectives

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0266-5433
e-ISSN: 1466-4518
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Planning Practice and Research

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0269-7459
e-ISSN: 1360-0583
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Planning Theory & Practice

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1464-9357
e-ISSN: 1470-000X
Access Period: 2000-01-01 -

Regional Studies

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0034-3404
e-ISSN: 1360-0591
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0282-7581
e-ISSN: 1651-1891
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Scottish Geographical Journal

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1470-2541
e-ISSN: 1751-665X
Access Period: 1999-01-01 -

Social & Cultural Geography

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1464-9365
e-ISSN: 1470-1197
Access Period: 2000-01-01 -

Social Dynamics

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0253-3952
e-ISSN: 1940-7874
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Social Sciences in China

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0252-9203
e-ISSN: 1940-5952
Access Period: 2008-02-01 -

Space and Polity

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1356-2576
e-ISSN: 1470-1235
Access Period: 1997-05-01 -

The Geography Teacher

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1933-8341
e-ISSN: 1752-6884
Access Period: 2007-03-06 -

The Professional Geographer

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0033-0124
e-ISSN: 1467-9272
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Third World Quarterly

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0143-6597
e-ISSN: 1360-2241
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Tourism Geographies

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1461-6688
e-ISSN: 1470-1340
Access Period: 1999-02-01 -

Urban Policy and Research

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0811-1146
e-ISSN: 1476-7244
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Urban Research & Practice

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1753-5069
e-ISSN: 1753-5077
Access Period: 2008-04-03 -