The Journal of Physical Chemistry

Publisher: American Chemical Society
ISSN: 0092-7325
e-ISSN: 1541-5740
Access Period: 1896-10-01 - 1946-06-01

The Journal of Physical Chemistry

Publisher: American Chemical Society
Subject: Chemistry
ISSN: 0022-3654
e-ISSN: 1541-5740
Access Period: 1951-01-01 - 1996-01-01

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Publisher: American Chemical Society
ISSN: 1932-7447
e-ISSN: 1932-7455
Access Period: 2007-01-01 -

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Publisher: American Chemical Society
ISSN: 1520-6106
e-ISSN: 1520-5207
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Publisher: American Chemical Society
ISSN: 1089-5639
e-ISSN: 1520-5215
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Organic Chemistry

Publisher: American Chemical Society
Subject: Chemistry
ISSN: 0022-3263
e-ISSN: 1520-6904
Access Period: 1936-03-01 -

The World Today

Publisher: Royal Institute of International Affairs
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0043-9134
Access Period: 1945-07-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Workshop

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-142X
Access Period: 1868-01-01 - 1881-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1884.

The Wilson Quarterly (1976-)

Publisher: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0363-3276
e-ISSN: 2328-529X
Access Period: 1976-10-01 - 2014-01-01
Coverage Note: 1 year

The Wilson Journal of Ornithology

Publisher: Wilson Ornithological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 1559-4491
e-ISSN: 1938-5447
Access Period: 2006-03-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Washington Historical Quarterly

Publisher: University of Washington
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0361-6223
Access Period: 1906-10-01 - 1935-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The University of Texas Studies in English

Publisher: University of Texas Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 2158-7973
Access Period: 1949-01-01 - 1956-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review

Publisher: Joe Christensen, Inc.
Subject: Latin American Studies;Law
ISSN: 0884-1756
Access Period: 1984-04-01 - 2014-10-01
Coverage Note: 2 years

The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy

Publisher: Royal Irish Academy
Subject: History;Irish Studies
ISSN: 0790-8113
Access Period: 1787-01-01 - 1906-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1907.

Translation and Literature

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0968-1361
e-ISSN: 1750-0214
Access Period: 1992-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Publisher: Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Subject: Asian Studies
ISSN: 0950-4737
Access Period: 1824-01-01 - 1834-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society

Publisher: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Subject: Archaeology;History;Irish Studies
ISSN: 0790-634X
Access Period: 1849-01-01 - 1853-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society

Publisher: Indiana University Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0009-1774
e-ISSN: 1558-9587
Access Period: 1965-04-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

Transactions of the Apollo Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in the United States

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2152-615X
Access Period: 1839-01-01 - 1842-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the American Art-Union

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2152-6141
Access Period: 1844-01-01 - 1849-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1849.

Tradition: Zeitschrift für Firmengeschichte und Unternehmerbiographie

Publisher: Verlag C.H.Beck
Subject: Business;History
ISSN: 0041-0616
Access Period: 1956-10-01 - 1976-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed


Publisher: Fordham University
Subject: History;Religion
ISSN: 0362-1529
Access Period: 1943-01-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Town Planning Review

Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Subject: Public Policy & Administration
ISSN: 0041-0020
e-ISSN: 1478-341X
Access Period: 1910-04-01 - 2011-01-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

Tobacco Control

Publisher: BMJ
Subject: Health Sciences
ISSN: 0964-4563
e-ISSN: 1468-3318
Access Period: 1992-03-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

Theatre Ireland

Publisher: Paul Hadfield & Linda Henderson
Subject: Irish Studies;Performing Arts
ISSN: 0263-6344
Access Period: 1982-09-01 - 1993-07-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1993.

The American Poetry Review

Publisher: American Poetry Review
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0360-3709
Access Period: 1972-11-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

Textual Cultures

Publisher: Indiana University Press
Subject: Bibliography;Language & Literature
ISSN: 1559-2936
e-ISSN: 1933-7418
Access Period: 2006-04-01 - 2013-04-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years


Publisher: Indiana University Press
Subject: Bibliography;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0736-3974
Access Period: 1981-01-01 - 2006-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Texas Studies in Literature and Language

Publisher: University of Texas Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0040-4691
e-ISSN: 1534-7303
Access Period: 1959-04-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years


Publisher: Franz Steiner Verlag
Subject: Linguistics
ISSN: 0863-5781
Access Period: 1924-02-01 - 1934-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly

Publisher: Texas State Historical Association
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0038-478X
Access Period: 1912-07-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine

Publisher: South Carolina Historical Society
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0148-7825
Access Period: 1900-01-01 - 1951-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Shaw Review

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0037-3354
Access Period: 1959-01-01 - 1980-09-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Sewanee Review

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0037-3052
e-ISSN: 1934-421X
Access Period: 1892-11-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Scottish Historical Review

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0036-9241
Access Period: 1903-10-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Scottish Antiquary, or, Northern Notes and Queries

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 2042-0013
Access Period: 1890-03-01 - 1903-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal

Publisher: The C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 0270-6210
Access Period: 1979-09-01 - 2006-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Reading Teacher

Publisher: International Reading Association;Wiley
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0034-0561
Access Period: 1951-09-17 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Radical Teacher

Publisher: University of Illinois Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0191-4847
e-ISSN: 1941-0832
Access Period: 1975-12-01 - 2013-04-30
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association

Publisher: Texas State Historical Association
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 1948-3325
Access Period: 1897-07-01 - 1912-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society

Publisher: Oregon Historical Society
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 2153-1706
Access Period: 1900-03-01 - 1926-06-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Quarterly Illustrator

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-1705
Access Period: 1893-01-01 - 1895-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Poetry Ireland Review

Publisher: Poetry Ireland
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0332-2998
Access Period: 1981-04-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Pluralist

Publisher: Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy;University of Illinois Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 1930-7365
e-ISSN: 1944-6489
Access Period: 2006-04-01 - 2013-09-25
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Phi Delta Kappan

Publisher: Phi Delta Kappa International
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0031-7217
Access Period: 1916-11-01 - 2015-12-01
Coverage Note: 1 year

The Personalist Forum

Publisher: Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy;University of Illinois Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0889-065X
Access Period: 1985-04-01 - 1999-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Past: The Organ of the Uí Cinsealaigh Historical Society

Publisher: Uí Cinsealaigh Historical Society
Subject: History;Irish Studies
ISSN: 2009-2040
Access Period: 1920-11-01 - 2007-01-01
Coverage Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest iss

The Pacific Northwest Quarterly

Publisher: University of Washington
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0030-8803
Access Period: 1936-01-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journal

Publisher: University of Northern Iowa
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 1945-7863
Access Period: 1815-05-01 - 1821-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The North American Review

Publisher: University of Northern Iowa
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0029-2397
Access Period: 1821-07-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The New York Latin Leaflet

Publisher: Classical Association of the Atlantic States
Subject: Classical Studies
ISSN: 2151-7576
Access Period: 1900-10-01 - 1907-04-29
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The New Path

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2150-2609
Access Period: 1863-05-01 - 1865-12-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1865.

The National Magazine

Subject: Irish Studies
ISSN: 2009-1656
Access Period: 1830-07-01 - 1831-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1831.

The Monthly Illustrator

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-4348
Access Period: 1895-02-01 - 1895-09-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1895.

The Midwest Sociologist

Publisher: Midwest Sociological Society;Wiley
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 1948-1586
Access Period: 1939-06-01 - 1959-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Maynooth Review / Revieú Mhá Nuad

Publisher: Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies & Philosophy NUIM
Subject: Classical Studies;Language & Literature;Music;Philosophy
ISSN: 0332-4869
Access Period: 1975-06-01 - 1989-12-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1989.

The Lotus Magazine

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2150-5977
Access Period: 1910-01-01 - 1919-05-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Linen Hall Review

Publisher: Linen Hall Library
Subject: Irish Studies;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0266-1500
Access Period: 1984-04-01 - 1995-12-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1996.

The Knight Errant

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2150-3168
Access Period: 1892-04-01 - 1893-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1893.

The Junior High School Clearing House

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1947-3869
Access Period: 1923-06-01 - 1924-05-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Junior High Clearing House (1920-1921)

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1947-3850
Access Period: 1920-01-01 - 1921-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Walters Art Museum

Publisher: The Walters Art Museum
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 1946-0988
Access Period: 2000-01-01 - 2010-01-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery

Publisher: The Walters Art Museum
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0083-7156
Access Period: 1938-01-01 - 1999-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland

Publisher: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Subject: Archaeology;History;Irish Studies
ISSN: 0035-9106
Access Period: 1890-03-01 - 2011-01-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland

Publisher: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Subject: Archaeology;History;Irish Studies
ISSN: 0790-6382
Access Period: 1870-01-01 - 1889-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Publisher: Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Subject: Asian Studies
ISSN: 0035-869X
Access Period: 1834-02-01 - 1990-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society

Publisher: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Subject: Archaeology;History;Irish Studies
ISSN: 0790-6366
Access Period: 1856-01-01 - 1867-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland

Publisher: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Subject: Archaeology;History;Irish Studies
ISSN: 0790-6374
Access Period: 1868-01-01 - 1869-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Publisher: Society for Historians of the Gilded Age & Progressive Era
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 1537-7814
Access Period: 2002-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Speculative Philosophy

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0891-625X
e-ISSN: 1527-9383
Access Period: 1867-01-01 - 2017-04-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 5 years

The Journal of Race Development

Subject: International Relations;Political Science
ISSN: 1068-3380
Access Period: 1910-07-01 - 1919-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management

Publisher: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0885-3134
Access Period: 1980-10-01 - 2009-10-01
Coverage Note: Coverage presently ends: 2008. JSTOR will resume a moving wa

The Journal of Pacific History

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Asian Studies;History
ISSN: 0022-3344
e-ISSN: 1469-9605
Access Period: 1966-01-01 - 2009-12-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Journal of Narrative Technique

Publisher: Department of English Language and Literature, Eastern Michigan University
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0022-2925
Access Period: 1971-01-01 - 1998-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Museum Education

Publisher: Maney Publishing
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1059-8650
Access Period: 1985-01-01 - 2010-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 1947-6574
e-ISSN: 2152-9272
Access Period: 2010-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 5 years

The Journal of Library History (1974-1987)

Publisher: University of Texas Press
Subject: Bibliography;History;Library Science
ISSN: 0275-3650
Access Period: 1974-01-01 - 1987-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Library History (1966-1972)

Publisher: University of Texas Press
Subject: Bibliography;History;Library Science
ISSN: 0022-2259
Access Period: 1966-01-01 - 1972-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of International Relations

Subject: International Relations;Political Science
ISSN: 0148-8937
Access Period: 1919-07-01 - 1922-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Infectious Diseases

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Health Sciences
ISSN: 0022-1899
Access Period: 1904-01-02 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Germanic Philology

Publisher: University of Illinois Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0364-2968
Access Period: 1897-01-01 - 1902-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Geology

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Geography;Geology;History of Science & Technology;Paleontology
ISSN: 0022-1376
e-ISSN: 1537-5269
Access Period: 1893-01-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Journal of General Education

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0021-3667
e-ISSN: 1527-2060
Access Period: 1946-10-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 5 years

The Journal of Experimental Education

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0022-0973
e-ISSN: 1940-0683
Access Period: 1932-09-15 - 2009-07-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Journal of English and Germanic Philology

Publisher: University of Illinois Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0363-6941
Access Period: 1903-09-01 - 2013-09-04
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Journal of Educational Research

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0022-0671
e-ISSN: 1940-0675
Access Period: 1920-01-01 - 2009-07-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Irish Review (1986-)

Publisher: Cork University Press
Subject: Irish Studies
ISSN: 0790-7850
Access Period: 1986-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Irish Naturalists' Journal

Publisher: Irish Naturalists' Journal Ltd.
Subject: Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0021-1311
Access Period: 1925-09-01 - 2013-12-12
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Irish Naturalist

Publisher: Irish Naturalists' Journal Ltd.
Subject: Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 2009-2598
Access Period: 1892-04-01 - 1924-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Irish Monthly

Publisher: Irish Jesuit Province
Subject: History;Irish Studies;Language & Literature;Religion
ISSN: 2009-2113
Access Period: 1873-07-01 - 1954-09-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1954.

The Iowa Review

Publisher: University of Iowa
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0021-065X
Access Period: 1970-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Indiana Quarterly Magazine of History

Publisher: Indiana University Department of History
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0147-2259
Access Period: 1905-03-01 - 1913-03-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Illustrated Wood Worker

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-1284
Access Period: 1879-01-01 - 1879-12-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1879.

The Illustrated Magazine of Art

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2150-5837
Access Period: 1853-01-01 - 1854-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1854.

The High School Journal

Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0018-1498
e-ISSN: 1534-5157
Access Period: 1918-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Harp

Publisher: IASIL-JAPAN
Subject: Irish Studies;Language & Literature
ISSN: 1340-5470
Access Period: 1985-01-01 - 2000-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Great Lakes Review

Publisher: Board of Trustees for Northeastern Illinois University;Central Michigan University
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0360-1846
Access Period: 1974-07-01 - 1985-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The GPA Irish Arts Review Yearbook

Publisher: Irish Arts Review
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0791-038X
Access Period: 1988-01-01 - 1989-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Georgia Historical Quarterly

Publisher: Georgia Historical Society
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0016-8297
Access Period: 1917-03-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Furrow

Publisher: The Furrow
Subject: Irish Studies;Religion
ISSN: 0016-3120
Access Period: 1950-02-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Florida Historical Society Quarterly

Publisher: Florida Historical Society
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0361-624X
Access Period: 1925-01-01 - 1937-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Florida Historical Quarterly

Publisher: Florida Historical Society
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0015-4113
Access Period: 1937-04-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Economic Bulletin

Publisher: American Economic Association
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 1536-1489
Access Period: 1908-04-01 - 1910-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Dublin Literary Gazette

Subject: Irish Studies
ISSN: 2009-1648
Access Period: 1830-01-02 - 1830-06-26
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Decorator and Furnisher

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2150-6256
Access Period: 1882-10-01 - 1897-09-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1897.

The Crayon

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2150-3176
Access Period: 1855-01-03 - 1861-07-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1861.

The Cork Review

Publisher: Triskel Arts Centre
Subject: Irish Studies;Performing Arts
ISSN: 0332-2580
Access Period: 1979-11-01 - 2000-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 2000.

The Connoisseur

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-1276
Access Period: 1886-10-01 - 1888-12-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1888.

The Collector and Art Critic

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 1948-0202
Access Period: 1899-04-15 - 1907-02-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1907.

The Collector

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2152-6907
Access Period: 1891-11-01 - 1892-10-15
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Clearing House

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0009-8655
Access Period: 1936-09-01 - 2009-07-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Catholic Layman

Subject: Irish Studies
ISSN: 0791-5640
Access Period: 1852-01-17 - 1858-12-17
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1858.

The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies

Publisher: Canadian Association of Irish Studies
Subject: Irish Studies
ISSN: 0703-1459
Access Period: 1975-06-01 - 2015-01-01
Coverage Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest iss

The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art

Publisher: Cleveland Museum of Art
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0009-8841
Access Period: 1914-04-01 - 1994-12-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1994.

The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education

Publisher: Ithaca College
Subject: Education;Music
ISSN: 0739-5639
Access Period: 1980-07-01 - 1999-05-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The British School at Athens. Supplementary Volumes

Publisher: British School at Athens
Subject: Archaeology;Classical Studies
ISSN: 1464-0813
Access Period: 1966-01-01 - 2012-01-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The British School at Athens. Supplementary Papers

Publisher: British School at Athens
Subject: Archaeology;Classical Studies
ISSN: 2045-4112
Access Period: 1923-01-01 - 1957-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The British Medical Journal

Publisher: BMJ
Subject: Health Sciences
ISSN: 0007-1447
Access Period: 1857-01-03 - 1980-12-20
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Belfast Magazine and Literary Journal

Subject: Irish Studies;Language & Literature
ISSN: 1757-045X
Access Period: 1825-02-01 - 1825-07-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1825.

The Australian Quarterly

Publisher: Australian Institute of Policy and Science
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0005-0091
Access Period: 1929-03-01 - 1997-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Artist: An Illustrated Monthly Record of Arts, Crafts and Industries (American Edition)

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-4879
Access Period: 1899-05-01 - 1901-11-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1901.

The Art World

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-2752
Access Period: 1916-10-01 - 1918-03-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1918.

The Art Union

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 1948-0709
Access Period: 1884-01-01 - 1885-11-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1885.

The Art Review

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2150-3184
Access Period: 1870-04-01 - 1871-08-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1871.

The Art News (1923-)

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0004-3273
Access Period: 1923-02-17 - 1924-09-13

The Art News

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2150-3192
Access Period: 1897-03-01 - 1897-06-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1897.

The Art Critic

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2150-315X
Access Period: 1893-11-01 - 1894-03-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1894.

The Art Journal (1875-1887)

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2152-243X
Access Period: 1875-01-01 - 1880-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1887.

The Art Amateur

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-8246
Access Period: 1879-06-01 - 1891-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1903.

The Annual of the British School at Athens

Publisher: British School at Athens
Subject: Archaeology;Classical Studies
ISSN: 0068-2454
Access Period: 1894-01-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Annals of Applied Statistics

Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Subject: Mathematics;Statistics
ISSN: 1932-6157
Access Period: 2007-06-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The American Review of Soviet and Eastern European Foreign Trade

Publisher: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Subject: Business;Development Studies;Economics;Finance
ISSN: 0886-1005
Access Period: 1965-01-01 - 1966-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Magazine of Art

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-254X
Access Period: 1916-01-01 - 1936-08-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1936.

The American Economist

Publisher: Omicron Delta Epsilon
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0569-4345
Access Period: 1960-05-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 4 years

The American Art Review

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-8890
Access Period: 1879-11-01 - 1881-10-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1881.

The American Art Journal (1866-1867)

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 1946-195X
Access Period: 1866-04-25 - 1867-06-15
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Archivist

Publisher: Society of American Archivists
Subject: Library Science
ISSN: 0360-9081
Access Period: 1938-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The American Advocate of Peace and Arbitration

Publisher: World Affairs Institute
Subject: International Relations;Political Science
ISSN: 2159-5070
Access Period: 1889-02-01 - 1892-03-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Aldine

Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 2151-4186
e-ISSN: 2329-3241
Access Period: 1871-01-01 - 1879-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1879.

The Agricultural History Review

Publisher: British Agricultural History Society
Subject: History
ISSN: 0002-1490
Access Period: 1953-01-01 - 2011-01-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The African Music Society Newsletter

Publisher: International Library of African Music
Subject: African Studies;Music
ISSN: 2078-807X
Access Period: 1952-06-01 - 1953-09-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The African Archaeological Review

Publisher: Springer
Subject: African Studies;Archaeology
ISSN: 0263-0338
e-ISSN: 1572-9842
Access Period: 1983-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Advocate of Peace and Universal Brotherhood

Publisher: World Affairs Institute
Subject: International Relations;Political Science
ISSN: 2154-8420
Access Period: 1846-01-01 - 1846-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Advocate of Peace (1894-1920)

Publisher: World Affairs Institute
Subject: International Relations;Political Science
ISSN: 2155-7799
Access Period: 1894-01-01 - 1920-02-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Advocate of Peace (1837-1845)

Publisher: World Affairs Institute
Subject: International Relations;Political Science
ISSN: 2154-8382
Access Period: 1837-06-01 - 1845-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Yearbook of English Studies

Publisher: Modern Humanities Research Association
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0306-2473
e-ISSN: 2222-4289
Access Period: 1971-01-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Yale Law Journal

Publisher: The Yale Law Journal Company, Inc.
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0044-0094
Access Period: 1891-10-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The World Bank Research Observer

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Business;Development Studies;Economics
ISSN: 0257-3032
e-ISSN: 1564-6971
Access Period: 1986-01-01 - 2011-08-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The World Bank Economic Review

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Business;Development Studies;Economics
ISSN: 0258-6770
e-ISSN: 1564-698X
Access Period: 1986-09-01 - 2011-01-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Women's Review of Books

Publisher: Old City Publishing, Inc.
Subject: Feminist & Women's Studies;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0738-1433
Access Period: 1983-07-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Wisconsin Magazine of History

Publisher: Wisconsin Historical Society
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0043-6534
Access Period: 1917-09-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Wilson Quarterly (1892)

Publisher: Wilson Ornithological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 1938-6788
Access Period: 1892-04-01 - 1892-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Wilson Bulletin

Publisher: Wilson Ornithological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0043-5643
Access Period: 1894-01-01 - 2005-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Western Political Quarterly

Publisher: University of Utah;Western Political Science Association
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0043-4078
Access Period: 1948-03-01 - 1992-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography

Publisher: Virginia Historical Society
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0042-6636
Access Period: 1893-07-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Virginia Law Register

Publisher: Virginia Law Review
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1547-1357
Access Period: 1895-05-01 - 1928-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The University of Toronto Law Journal

Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0042-0220
e-ISSN: 1710-1174
Access Period: 1935-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The University of Chicago Law Review

Publisher: The University of Chicago Law Review
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0041-9494
Access Period: 1933-05-01 - 2016-10-01
Coverage Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest iss

The University Journal of Business

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Business;Finance
ISSN: 1525-6979
Access Period: 1922-11-01 - 1927-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal

Publisher: Mathematical Association of America
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 0049-4925
Access Period: 1970-04-01 - 1983-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Twentieth Century Literature

Publisher: Duke University Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0041-462X
Access Period: 1955-04-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: Coverage presently ends: 2010. JSTOR will resume a moving wa

Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature

Publisher: University of Tulsa
Subject: Feminist & Women's Studies;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0732-7730
e-ISSN: 1936-1645
Access Period: 1982-04-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Tulane Drama Review

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: Performing Arts
ISSN: 0886-800X
Access Period: 1957-06-01 - 1967-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Trollopian

Publisher: University of California Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 1526-4211
Access Period: 1945-07-01 - 1949-03-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Trimonthly Report. Ohio Herpetological Society

Publisher: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 1557-122X
Access Period: 1958-01-20 - 1959-01-30
Coverage Note: Absorbed


Publisher: Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University;Indiana University Press
Subject: African American Studies;African Studies;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0041-1191
e-ISSN: 1527-8042
Access Period: 1961-11-01 - 2015-01-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 1 year

Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America

Publisher: Modern Language Association
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 1539-3674
Access Period: 1884-01-01 - 1884-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1872-1880)

Publisher: Kansas Academy of Science
Subject: Biological Sciences
ISSN: 1933-0537
Access Period: 1872-01-01 - 1879-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

Publisher: The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers);Wiley
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0020-2754
e-ISSN: 1475-5661
Access Period: 1965-06-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

Transactions of the Grotius Society

Publisher: British Institute of International and Comparative Law;Cambridge University Press
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1479-1234
Access Period: 1918-01-01 - 1959-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London

Publisher: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 1368-0366
Access Period: 1861-01-01 - 1869-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington

Publisher: American Anthropological Association
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 1541-4132
Access Period: 1879-02-10 - 1883-11-06
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the Anthropological Society of London

Publisher: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 1356-014X
Access Period: 1863-01-01 - 1863-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the Annual Meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science

Publisher: Kansas Academy of Science
Subject: Biological Sciences
ISSN: 1933-0545
Access Period: 1881-01-01 - 1899-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the American Philosophical Society

Publisher: American Philosophical Society
Subject: History
ISSN: 0065-9746
Access Period: 1769-01-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-)

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Classical Studies
ISSN: 0360-5949
e-ISSN: 1533-0699
Access Period: 1974-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

Transactions of the American Philological Association (1869-1896)

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Classical Studies
ISSN: 0271-4442
Access Period: 1869-01-01 - 1896-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the American Microscopical Society

Publisher: American Microscopical Society;Wiley
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0003-0023
Access Period: 1896-01-01 - 1994-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the American Entomological Society and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences

Publisher: American Entomological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
ISSN: 1945-516X
Access Period: 1878-01-01 - 1889-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions of the American Entomological Society (1890-)

Publisher: American Entomological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
ISSN: 0002-8320
Access Period: 1890-01-01 - 2017-02-01
Coverage Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest iss

Transactions of the American Entomological Society (1867-1877)

Publisher: American Entomological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
ISSN: 0886-1145
Access Period: 1867-01-01 - 1877-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America

Publisher: Modern Language Association
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 1539-3682
Access Period: 1886-01-01 - 1887-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Classical Studies
ISSN: 0065-9711
Access Period: 1897-01-01 - 1972-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Transactions and Papers (Institute of British Geographers)

Publisher: The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers);Wiley
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1478-4017
Access Period: 1946-01-01 - 1964-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis

Publisher: Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis
Subject: Music
ISSN: 0042-3874
Access Period: 1960-01-01 - 1994-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis

Publisher: Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis
Subject: Music
ISSN: 1383-7079
Access Period: 1995-01-01 - 2014-01-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

Tijdschrift der Vereeniging voor Noord-Nederlands Muziekgeschiedenis

Publisher: Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis
Subject: Music
ISSN: 0921-3260
Access Period: 1882-01-01 - 1959-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Threepenny Review

Publisher: Threepenny Review
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0275-1410
Access Period: 1980-01-01 - 2015-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

Third World Quarterly

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0143-6597
e-ISSN: 1360-2241
Access Period: 1979-01-01 - 2009-01-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

Theory into Practice

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0040-5841
e-ISSN: 1543-0421
Access Period: 1962-02-01 - 2009-10-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

Theatre Journal

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Performing Arts
ISSN: 0192-2882
e-ISSN: 1086-332X
Access Period: 1979-03-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

TESOL Quarterly

Publisher: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL)
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0039-8322
Access Period: 1967-03-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years


Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Music
ISSN: 0040-2982
e-ISSN: 1478-2286
Access Period: 1939-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years


Publisher: American Society for Quality;American Statistical Association;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Statistics
ISSN: 0040-1706
Access Period: 1959-02-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

Technology and Culture

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press;Society for the History of Technology
Subject: History of Science & Technology
ISSN: 0040-165X
e-ISSN: 1097-3729
Access Period: 1959-12-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

Teaching Sociology

Publisher: American Sociological Association
Subject: Education;Sociology
ISSN: 0092-055X
Access Period: 1973-10-01 - 2014-10-01
Coverage Note: 2 years

TDR (1988-)

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: Performing Arts
ISSN: 1054-2043
e-ISSN: 1531-4715
Access Period: 1988-04-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

TDR (1967-1968)

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: Performing Arts
ISSN: 0273-4354
Access Period: 1967-10-01 - 1968-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed


Publisher: International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT)
Subject: Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
ISSN: 0040-0262
Access Period: 1951-09-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

T'oung Pao

Publisher: BRILL
Subject: Asian Studies;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0082-5433
Access Period: 1890-04-01 - 2011-01-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Swedish Journal of Economics

Publisher: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics;Wiley
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0039-7318
Access Period: 1965-03-01 - 1975-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Supreme Court Review

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Law;Political Science
ISSN: 0081-9557
e-ISSN: 2158-2459
Access Period: 1960-01-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Southwestern Naturalist

Publisher: Southwestern Association of Naturalists
Subject: Biological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
ISSN: 0038-4909
Access Period: 1956-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Southern Literary Journal

Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0038-4291
Access Period: 1968-10-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The South Central Bulletin

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press;The South Central Modern Language Association
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0038-321X
Access Period: 1940-12-01 - 1983-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Sociological Quarterly

Publisher: Midwest Sociological Society;Wiley
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0038-0253
e-ISSN: 1533-8525
Access Period: 1960-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Slavonic Year-Book. American Series

Publisher: Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Subject: Slavic Studies
ISSN: 1535-0959
Access Period: 1941-01-01 - 1941-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Slavonic Review

Publisher: Modern Humanities Research Association;University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies
Subject: History;Language & Literature;Slavic Studies
ISSN: 1471-7816
Access Period: 1922-06-01 - 1927-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Slavonic and East European Review. American Series

Publisher: Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Subject: Slavic Studies
ISSN: 1535-0940
Access Period: 1943-03-01 - 1944-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Slavonic and East European Review

Publisher: Modern Humanities Research Association;University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies
Subject: History;Language & Literature;Slavic Studies
ISSN: 0037-6795
e-ISSN: 2222-4327
Access Period: 1928-03-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Slavic and East European Journal

Publisher: American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages
Subject: Language & Literature;Slavic Studies
ISSN: 0037-6752
Access Period: 1957-04-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Sixteenth Century Journal

Publisher: The Sixteenth Century Journal
Subject: History
ISSN: 0361-0160
Access Period: 1972-04-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Semi-Annual (Agassiz Association. Department of the Wilson Chapter)

Publisher: Wilson Ornithological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 1938-677X
Access Period: 1891-04-01 - 1891-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Scientific Monthly

Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Subject: Biological Sciences;General Science
ISSN: 0096-3771
Access Period: 1915-10-01 - 1957-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The School Review

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0036-6773
Access Period: 1893-01-01 - 1979-08-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Scandinavian Journal of Economics

Publisher: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics;Wiley
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0347-0520
e-ISSN: 1467-9442
Access Period: 1976-03-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Russian Review

Publisher: The Editors and Board of Trustees of the Russian Review;Wiley
Subject: History;Slavic Studies
ISSN: 0036-0341
e-ISSN: 1467-9434
Access Period: 1941-11-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Review of Politics

Publisher: Cambridge University Press;University of Notre Dame du lac on behalf of Review of Politics
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0034-6705
e-ISSN: 1748-6858
Access Period: 1939-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Review of Metaphysics

Publisher: Philosophy Education Society Inc.
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0034-6632
Access Period: 1947-09-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Review of Financial Studies

Publisher: Oxford University Press;The Society for Financial Studies
Subject: Business;Finance
ISSN: 0893-9454
e-ISSN: 1465-7368
Access Period: 1988-04-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Review of English Studies

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0034-6551
e-ISSN: 1471-6968
Access Period: 1925-01-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Review of Economics and Statistics

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0034-6535
e-ISSN: 1530-9142
Access Period: 1919-01-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Review of Economic Studies

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0034-6527
e-ISSN: 1467-937X
Access Period: 1933-10-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Quarterly Review of Biology

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Biological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology;History of Science & Technology
ISSN: 0033-5770
e-ISSN: 1539-7718
Access Period: 1926-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Quarterly of Film Radio and Television

Publisher: University of California Press
Subject: Film Studies
ISSN: 1549-0068
Access Period: 1951-10-01 - 1957-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Quarterly Journal of Economics

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0033-5533
e-ISSN: 1531-4650
Access Period: 1886-10-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Plant Cell

Publisher: American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)
Subject: Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
ISSN: 1040-4651
Access Period: 1989-01-01 - 2014-12-01
Coverage Note: 2 years

The Phylon Quarterly

Publisher: Clark Atlanta University
Subject: African American Studies
ISSN: 0885-6826
Access Period: 1957-03-01 - 1959-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Philosophical Review

Publisher: Duke University Press;Philosophical Review
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0031-8108
e-ISSN: 1558-1470
Access Period: 1892-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Philosophical Quarterly (1950-)

Publisher: Oxford University Press;Scots Philosophical Association;University of St. Andrews
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0031-8094
e-ISSN: 1467-9213
Access Period: 1950-10-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Philadelphia Museum Bulletin

Publisher: Philadelphia Museum of Art
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0899-059X
Access Period: 1938-05-01 - 1956-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography

Publisher: The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0031-4587
e-ISSN: 2169-8546
Access Period: 1877-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 5 years

The Pacific Sociological Review

Publisher: Sage Publications, Inc.
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0030-8919
Access Period: 1958-04-01 - 1982-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Ornithologists' and Oologists' Semi-Annual

Publisher: Wilson Ornithological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 1938-6753
Access Period: 1889-01-01 - 1890-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Old Testament Student

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Religion
ISSN: 0190-5945
Access Period: 1883-09-01 - 1889-06-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Old and New Testament Student

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Religion
ISSN: 0190-5937
Access Period: 1889-07-01 - 1892-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The News Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association

Publisher: Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 1551-7438
Access Period: 1948-01-01 - 1962-06-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The New Phytologist

Publisher: New Phytologist Trust;Wiley
Subject: Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
ISSN: 0028-646X
e-ISSN: 1469-8137
Access Period: 1902-01-23 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The New England Quarterly

Publisher: The New England Quarterly, Inc.
Subject: American Studies;History;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0028-4866
Access Period: 1928-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular

Publisher: Musical Times Publications Ltd.
Subject: Music
ISSN: 0958-8434
Access Period: 1844-06-01 - 1903-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Musical Quarterly

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Music
ISSN: 0027-4631
e-ISSN: 1741-8399
Access Period: 1915-01-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Murrelet

Publisher: Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology
Subject: Biological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
ISSN: 0027-3716
Access Period: 1920-05-01 - 1988-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Montana Magazine of History

Publisher: Montana Historical Society
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 1939-9952
Access Period: 1951-01-01 - 1955-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Modern Law Review

Publisher: Modern Law Review;Wiley
Subject: Law;Political Science
ISSN: 0026-7961
e-ISSN: 1468-2230
Access Period: 1937-06-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Modern Language Review

Publisher: Modern Humanities Research Association
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0026-7937
e-ISSN: 2222-4319
Access Period: 1905-10-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Modern Language Journal

Publisher: National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations;Wiley
Subject: Education;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0026-7902
e-ISSN: 1540-4781
Access Period: 1916-10-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Mississippi Valley Historical Review

Publisher: Organization of American Historians
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0161-391X
Access Period: 1914-06-01 - 1964-03-29
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Milbank Quarterly

Publisher: Milbank Memorial Fund;Wiley
Subject: Health Policy;Public Policy & Administration
ISSN: 0887-378X
Access Period: 1986-01-01 - 2015-12-01
Coverage Note: 1 year

The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. Health and Society

Publisher: Milbank Memorial Fund;Wiley
Subject: Health Policy;Public Policy & Administration
ISSN: 0160-1997
Access Period: 1973-01-01 - 1985-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly Bulletin

Publisher: Milbank Memorial Fund;Wiley
Subject: Health Policy;Public Policy & Administration
ISSN: 0276-5187
Access Period: 1923-03-01 - 1933-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly

Publisher: Milbank Memorial Fund;Wiley
Subject: Health Policy;Public Policy & Administration
ISSN: 0026-3745
Access Period: 1934-01-01 - 1972-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Midland Naturalist

Publisher: The University of Notre Dame
Subject: Biological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
ISSN: 0271-6844
Access Period: 1909-04-01 - 1909-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin

Publisher: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0026-1521
Access Period: 1905-11-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Mathematical Gazette

Publisher: The Mathematical Association
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 0025-5572
Access Period: 1894-04-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Massachusetts Review

Publisher: The Massachusetts Review, Inc.
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0025-4878
Access Period: 1959-10-01 - 2011-07-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Library Science
ISSN: 0024-2519
e-ISSN: 1549-652X
Access Period: 1931-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Kenyon Review

Publisher: Kenyon College
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0163-075X
Access Period: 1939-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal-Newsletter of the Association of Teachers of Japanese

Publisher: American Association of Teachers of Japanese
Subject: Asian Studies;Education;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0004-5810
Access Period: 1963-02-01 - 1972-03-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine

Publisher: American Association of Zoo Veterinarians
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0093-4526
Access Period: 1970-09-01 - 1988-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Wildlife Management

Publisher: Wildlife Society;Wiley
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0022-541X
e-ISSN: 1937-2817
Access Period: 1937-07-01 - 2014-11-01
Coverage Note: 2 years

The Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis)

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 1876-2530
Access Period: 1939-06-01 - 1940-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Wilson Ornithological Chapter of the Agassiz Association

Publisher: Wilson Ornithological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 1938-6796
Access Period: 1893-01-01 - 1893-06-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society

Publisher: Torrey Botanical Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
ISSN: 1095-5674
Access Period: 1997-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Club

Publisher: Southern Appalachian Botanical Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
ISSN: 1936-8909
Access Period: 1936-01-01 - 1937-03-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Society of Cinematologists

Publisher: Society for Cinema & Media Studies;University of Texas Press
Subject: Film Studies
ISSN: 1550-0349
Access Period: 1961-01-01 - 1964-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland

Publisher: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 0307-3114
Access Period: 1907-01-01 - 1965-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

Publisher: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 1359-0987
e-ISSN: 1467-9655
Access Period: 1995-03-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of the Operational Research Society

Publisher: Operational Research Society;Palgrave Macmillan Journals
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0160-5682
e-ISSN: 1476-9360
Access Period: 1978-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association

Publisher: Midwest Modern Language Association
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0742-5562
Access Period: 1984-04-01 - 2016-04-01
Coverage Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest iss

The Journal of the Learning Sciences

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1050-8406
e-ISSN: 1532-7809
Access Period: 1991-01-01 - 2009-10-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Journal of the English Folk Dance Society

Publisher: English Folk Dance + Song Society
Subject: Folklore;Music
ISSN: 1756-0985
Access Period: 1927-01-01 - 1931-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese

Publisher: American Association of Teachers of Japanese
Subject: Asian Studies;Education;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0885-9884
Access Period: 1972-11-01 - 2000-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland

Publisher: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 0959-5295
Access Period: 1872-01-01 - 1906-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Symbolic Logic

Publisher: Association for Symbolic Logic
Subject: Mathematics;Philosophy
ISSN: 0022-4812
Access Period: 1936-03-01 - 2012-12-01
Coverage Note: 4 years

The Journal of Southern History

Publisher: Southern Historical Association
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0022-4642
Access Period: 1935-02-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Social Forces

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 1532-1282
Access Period: 1922-11-01 - 1925-05-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Sex Research

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Health Policy;Sociology
ISSN: 0022-4499
e-ISSN: 1559-8519
Access Period: 1965-03-01 - 2009-11-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Journal of Roman Studies

Publisher: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
Subject: Archaeology;Classical Studies
ISSN: 0075-4358
Access Period: 1911-01-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of Risk and Insurance

Publisher: American Risk and Insurance Association
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0022-4367
e-ISSN: 1539-6975
Access Period: 1964-03-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of Religion

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Religion
ISSN: 0022-4189
e-ISSN: 1549-6538
Access Period: 1921-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Journal of Politics

Publisher: Southern Political Science Association;The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0022-3816
e-ISSN: 1468-2508
Access Period: 1939-02-01 - 2013-08-28
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Journal of Philosophy

Publisher: Journal of Philosophy, Inc.
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0022-362X
Access Period: 1921-01-06 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Parasitology

Publisher: The American Society of Parasitologists
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0022-3395
e-ISSN: 1937-2345
Access Period: 1914-09-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of Negro History

Publisher: Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Inc.
Subject: African American Studies;American Studies;History
ISSN: 0022-2992
Access Period: 1916-01-01 - 2001-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Mycology

Publisher: Mycological Society of America
Subject: Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
ISSN: 1052-0368
Access Period: 1885-01-01 - 1908-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Musicology

Publisher: University of California Press
Subject: Music
ISSN: 0277-9269
e-ISSN: 1533-8347
Access Period: 1982-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Journal of Modern History

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0022-2801
e-ISSN: 1537-5358
Access Period: 1929-03-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Journal of Law & Economics

Publisher: The Booth School of Business of the University of Chicago;The University of Chicago Law School;The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Business;Economics;Law
ISSN: 0022-2186
e-ISSN: 1537-5285
Access Period: 1958-10-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Journal of Land & Public Utility Economics

Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 1548-9000
Access Period: 1925-01-01 - 1947-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Japanese Studies

Publisher: The Society for Japanese Studies
Subject: Asian Studies
ISSN: 0095-6848
Access Period: 1974-10-01 - 2011-07-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Irish Archaeology

Publisher: Wordwell Ltd.
Subject: Archaeology
ISSN: 0268-537X
Access Period: 1983-01-01 - 2014-01-01
Coverage Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest iss

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0022-1953
e-ISSN: 1530-9169
Access Period: 1970-10-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Industrial Economics

Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0022-1821
e-ISSN: 1467-6451
Access Period: 1952-11-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Hygiene

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Health Sciences
ISSN: 0022-1724
Access Period: 1901-01-01 - 1986-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Human Resources

Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press
Subject: Business;Economics;Labor & Employment Relations;Management & Organizational Behavior;Sociology
ISSN: 0022-166X
Access Period: 1966-07-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Hellenic Studies

Publisher: The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
Subject: Archaeology;Classical Studies
ISSN: 0075-4269
Access Period: 1880-01-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Publisher: Cambridge University Press;University of Washington School of Business Administration
Subject: Business;Finance
ISSN: 0022-1090
e-ISSN: 1756-6916
Access Period: 1966-03-01 - 2012-12-01
Coverage Note: 4 years

The Journal of Finance

Publisher: American Finance Association;Wiley
Subject: Business;Finance
ISSN: 0022-1082
e-ISSN: 1540-6261
Access Period: 1946-08-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of Ethics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 1382-4554
e-ISSN: 1572-8609
Access Period: 1997-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology

Publisher: Egypt Exploration Society
Subject: Archaeology
ISSN: 0307-5133
Access Period: 1914-01-01 - 2011-01-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Educational Sociology

Publisher: American Sociological Association
Subject: Education;Sociology
ISSN: 0885-3525
Access Period: 1927-09-01 - 1963-05-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Economic Perspectives

Publisher: American Economic Association
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0895-3309
Access Period: 1987-07-01 - 2017-01-01
Coverage Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest iss

The Journal of Economic History

Publisher: Cambridge University Press;Economic History Association
Subject: Business;Economics;History
ISSN: 0022-0507
e-ISSN: 1471-6372
Access Period: 1941-05-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Economic Education

Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Economics;Education
ISSN: 0022-0485
e-ISSN: 2152-4068
Access Period: 1969-10-01 - 2009-10-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The Journal of Economic Abstracts

Publisher: American Economic Association
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0364-281X
Access Period: 1963-01-01 - 1968-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Developing Areas

Publisher: College of Business, Tennessee State University
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0022-037X
Access Period: 1966-10-01 - 2012-10-01
Coverage Note: 4 years

The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts

Publisher: Florida International University Board of Trustees on behalf of The Wolfsonian-FIU
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0888-7314
Access Period: 1986-04-01 - 2010-01-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science

Publisher: Northwestern University School of Law
Subject: Criminology & Criminal Justice;Law
ISSN: 0022-0205
Access Period: 1951-05-01 - 1972-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-)

Publisher: Northwestern University School of Law
Subject: Criminology & Criminal Justice;Law
ISSN: 0091-4169
Access Period: 1973-03-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Business;Finance
ISSN: 0740-9168
Access Period: 1928-01-01 - 1953-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of Business

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Business;Finance
ISSN: 0021-9398
e-ISSN: 1537-5374
Access Period: 1954-01-01 - 2006-11-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 2006.

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

Publisher: The JBHE Foundation, Inc
Subject: African American Studies;Education
ISSN: 1077-3711
e-ISSN: 2326-6023
Access Period: 1993-10-01 - 2010-04-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 2010.

The Journal of Asian Studies

Publisher: Association for Asian Studies
Subject: Asian Studies
ISSN: 0021-9118
e-ISSN: 1752-0401
Access Period: 1956-11-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of Arachnology

Publisher: American Arachnological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0161-8202
e-ISSN: 1937-2396
Access Period: 1973-01-01 - 2015-01-01
Coverage Note: 1 year

The Journal of Anthropology

Publisher: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 1356-0123
Access Period: 1870-07-01 - 1871-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Journal of American History

Publisher: Organization of American Historians
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0021-8723
e-ISSN: 1936-0967
Access Period: 1964-06-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of American Folklore

Publisher: American Folklore Society;University of Illinois Press
Subject: American Studies;Anthropology;Folklore;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0021-8715
e-ISSN: 1535-1882
Access Period: 1888-04-01 - 2011-10-15
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 5 years

The Journal of African History

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: African Studies;History
ISSN: 0021-8537
e-ISSN: 1469-5138
Access Period: 1960-01-01 - 2011-01-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of African American History

Publisher: Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Inc.
Subject: African American Studies;American Studies;History
ISSN: 1548-1867
e-ISSN: 2153-5086
Access Period: 2002-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

Publisher: The American Society for Aesthetics;Wiley
Subject: Art & Art History;Philosophy
ISSN: 0021-8529
e-ISSN: 1540-6245
Access Period: 1941-04-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Journal of Aesthetic Education

Publisher: University of Illinois Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0021-8510
e-ISSN: 1543-7809
Access Period: 1966-04-01 - 2013-12-20
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Jewish Quarterly Review

Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
Subject: Jewish Studies;Religion
ISSN: 0021-6682
e-ISSN: 1553-0604
Access Period: 1888-10-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal

Publisher: J. Paul Getty Trust
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0362-1979
Access Period: 1974-01-01 - 1996-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1996.

The Irish Review (Dublin)

Publisher: Irish Review (Dublin)
Subject: Irish Studies
ISSN: 2009-0978
Access Period: 1911-03-01 - 1914-09-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1914.

The Irish Penny Journal

Publisher: Irish Penny Journal
Subject: Folklore;History;Irish Studies
ISSN: 2009-0935
Access Period: 1840-07-04 - 1841-06-26
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1841.

The Irish Journal of Education / Iris Eireannach an Oideachais

Publisher: Educational Research Centre
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0021-1257
Access Period: 1967-07-01 - 2015-01-01
Coverage Note: 1 year

The Irish Church Quarterly

Subject: Irish Studies;Religion
ISSN: 2009-1664
Access Period: 1908-01-01 - 1917-10-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1917.

The International Migration Review

Publisher: The Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc.
Subject: Population Studies
ISSN: 0197-9183
e-ISSN: 1747-7379
Access Period: 1966-10-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The International Migration Digest

Publisher: The Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc.
Subject: Population Studies
ISSN: 0538-8716
Access Period: 1964-04-01 - 1966-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The International Law Quarterly

Publisher: British Institute of International and Comparative Law;Cambridge University Press
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1479-5930
Access Period: 1947-04-01 - 1951-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The International and Comparative Law Quarterly

Publisher: British Institute of International and Comparative Law;Cambridge University Press
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0020-5893
e-ISSN: 1471-6895
Access Period: 1952-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Incorporated Statistician

Publisher: Royal Statistical Society;Wiley
Subject: Statistics
ISSN: 1466-9404
Access Period: 1950-07-01 - 1961-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Hudson Review

Publisher: The Hudson Review, Inc
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0018-702X
Access Period: 1948-04-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The History Teacher

Publisher: Society for History Education
Subject: Education;History
ISSN: 0018-2745
Access Period: 1967-11-01 - 2014-11-01
Coverage Note: 2 years

The Historical Journal

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0018-246X
e-ISSN: 1469-5103
Access Period: 1958-01-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Hispanic American Historical Review

Publisher: Duke University Press
Subject: History;Latin American Studies
ISSN: 0018-2168
e-ISSN: 1527-1900
Access Period: 1918-02-01 - 1999-11-01
Coverage Note: 1/1/2000

The Hebrew Student

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Religion
ISSN: 0190-5953
Access Period: 1882-04-01 - 1883-06-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Hastings Center Studies

Publisher: The Hastings Center
Subject: Health Policy
ISSN: 0093-3252
Access Period: 1973-01-01 - 1974-09-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Hastings Center Report

Publisher: The Hastings Center
Subject: Health Policy
ISSN: 0093-0334
e-ISSN: 1552-146X
Access Period: 1971-06-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: Coverage presently ends: 2012. JSTOR will resume a moving wa

The Harvard Theological Review

Publisher: Cambridge University Press;Harvard Divinity School
Subject: Religion
ISSN: 0017-8160
e-ISSN: 1475-4517
Access Period: 1908-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The German Quarterly

Publisher: American Association of Teachers of German;Wiley
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0016-8831
e-ISSN: 1756-1183
Access Period: 1928-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Geographical Journal

Publisher: The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers);Wiley
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0016-7398
e-ISSN: 1475-4959
Access Period: 1893-01-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Future of Children

Publisher: Princeton University
Subject: Public Policy & Administration
ISSN: 1054-8289
e-ISSN: 1550-1558
Access Period: 1991-04-01 - 2016-10-01
Coverage Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest iss

The French Review. Special Issue

Publisher: American Association of Teachers of French
Subject: Education;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0271-3349
Access Period: 1970-01-01 - 1982-07-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1982.

The French Review

Publisher: American Association of Teachers of French
Subject: Education;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0016-111X
Access Period: 1927-11-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Folk-Lore Record

Publisher: Folklore Enterprises, Ltd.;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Folklore
ISSN: 1744-1994
Access Period: 1878-01-01 - 1882-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Folk-Lore Journal

Publisher: Folklore Enterprises, Ltd.;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Folklore
ISSN: 1744-2524
Access Period: 1883-01-01 - 1889-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Florida Entomologist

Publisher: Florida Entomological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0015-4040
e-ISSN: 1938-5102
Access Period: 1920-07-01 - 2015-12-01
Coverage Note: 1 year

The Family Life Coordinator

Publisher: National Council on Family Relations
Subject: Education;Sociology
ISSN: 0886-0394
Access Period: 1959-09-01 - 1967-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Family Coordinator

Publisher: National Council on Family Relations
Subject: Education;Sociology
ISSN: 0014-7214
Access Period: 1968-01-01 - 1979-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Executive

Publisher: Academy of Management
Subject: Business;Management & Organizational Behavior
ISSN: 1938-9779
Access Period: 1990-02-01 - 1993-02-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The European Journal of Health Economics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 1618-7598
e-ISSN: 1618-7601
Access Period: 2001-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The English Journal

Publisher: National Council of Teachers of English
Subject: Education;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0013-8274
Access Period: 1912-01-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The English Historical Review

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: British Studies;History
ISSN: 0013-8266
e-ISSN: 1477-4534
Access Period: 1886-01-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The English Folk-Dance Society's Journal

Publisher: English Folk Dance + Song Society
Subject: Folklore;Music
ISSN: 0376-8899
Access Period: 1914-05-01 - 1915-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Elementary School Teacher and Course of Study

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1545-5904
Access Period: 1901-07-01 - 1902-07-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Elementary School Teacher

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1545-5858
Access Period: 1902-10-01 - 1914-06-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Economic Journal

Publisher: Royal Economic Society;Wiley
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0013-0133
e-ISSN: 1468-0297
Access Period: 1891-03-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Economic History Review

Publisher: Economic History Society;Wiley
Subject: Business;Economics;History
ISSN: 0013-0117
e-ISSN: 1468-0289
Access Period: 1927-01-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Dublin Penny Journal

Publisher: Dublin Penny Journal
Subject: Folklore;History;Irish Studies;Zoology
ISSN: 2009-1338
Access Period: 1832-06-30 - 1836-06-25
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1836.

The Drama Review: TDR

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: Performing Arts
ISSN: 0012-5962
Access Period: 1968-04-01 - 1987-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Crane Bag

Publisher: Richard Kearney
Subject: Irish Studies;Language & Literature
ISSN: 0332-060X
Access Period: 1977-01-01 - 1985-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1985.

The Course of Study

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1545-5890
Access Period: 1900-07-01 - 1901-06-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Condor

Publisher: Cooper Ornithological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0010-5422
e-ISSN: 1938-5129
Access Period: 1900-01-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Coleopterists Bulletin

Publisher: The Coleopterists Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0010-065X
e-ISSN: 1938-4394
Access Period: 1947-04-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Classical World

Publisher: Classical Association of the Atlantic States;The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Classical Studies
ISSN: 0009-8418
Access Period: 1957-10-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Classical Weekly

Publisher: Classical Association of the Atlantic States
Subject: Classical Studies
ISSN: 1940-641X
Access Period: 1907-10-05 - 1957-05-20
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Classical Review

Publisher: Cambridge University Press;The Classical Association
Subject: Classical Studies
ISSN: 0009-840X
e-ISSN: 1464-3561
Access Period: 1887-03-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Classical Quarterly

Publisher: Cambridge University Press;The Classical Association
Subject: Classical Studies
ISSN: 0009-8388
e-ISSN: 1471-6844
Access Period: 1907-04-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Classical Journal

Publisher: The Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Subject: Classical Studies
ISSN: 0009-8353
Access Period: 1905-12-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The China Quarterly

Publisher: Cambridge University Press;School of Oriental and African Studies
Subject: Asian Studies
ISSN: 0305-7410
Access Period: 1960-01-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Chaucer Review

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0009-2002
e-ISSN: 1528-4204
Access Period: 1966-07-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 5 years

The Catholic Historical Review

Publisher: Catholic University of America Press
Subject: History;Religion
ISSN: 0008-8080
e-ISSN: 1534-0708
Access Period: 1915-04-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie

Publisher: Canadian Journal of Sociology
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0318-6431
e-ISSN: 1710-1123
Access Period: 1975-04-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: 2 years

The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique

Publisher: Canadian Economics Association;Wiley
Subject: Business;Economics;Political Science
ISSN: 0315-4890
Access Period: 1935-02-01 - 1967-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique

Publisher: Canadian Economics Association;Wiley
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0008-4085
e-ISSN: 1540-5982
Access Period: 1968-02-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Cambro-Briton

Subject: Irish Studies
ISSN: 1757-9953
Access Period: 1819-09-01 - 1822-06-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1822.

The Business History Review

Publisher: The President and Fellows of Harvard College
Subject: Business;Economics;History
ISSN: 0007-6805
Access Period: 1954-03-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs

Publisher: The Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd.
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0951-0788
Access Period: 1903-03-01 - 1947-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Burlington Magazine

Publisher: The Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd.
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0007-6287
Access Period: 1948-01-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association

Publisher: Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0035-7626
Access Period: 1963-05-01 - 1974-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Bulletin of the Museum of Modern Art

Publisher: The Museum of Modern Art
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 1938-6761
Access Period: 1933-06-01 - 1963-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1963.

The Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association

Publisher: Midwest Modern Language Association
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0026-3419
Access Period: 1968-04-01 - 1983-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Bulletin of the College Art Association of America

Publisher: College Art Association
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0272-8192
Access Period: 1917-01-01 - 1918-09-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Bulletin of the College Art Association

Publisher: College Art Association
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0895-0571
Access Period: 1913-01-01 - 1913-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic

Publisher: Association for Symbolic Logic
Subject: Mathematics;Philosophy
ISSN: 1079-8986
Access Period: 1995-03-01 - 2016-12-01
Coverage Note: Content for this title is released as soon as the latest iss

The Bryologist

Publisher: American Bryological and Lichenological Society
Subject: Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
ISSN: 0007-2745
e-ISSN: 1938-4378
Access Period: 1898-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Brookings Review

Publisher: Brookings Institution Press
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0745-1253
Access Period: 1982-10-01 - 2003-10-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 2003.

The British Museum Quarterly

Publisher: British Museum
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0007-151X
Access Period: 1926-05-01 - 1973-10-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1973.

The British Journal of Sociology

Publisher: The London School of Economics and Political Science;Wiley
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0007-1315
e-ISSN: 1468-4446
Access Period: 1950-03-01 - 1998-12-01
Coverage Note: 1/1/1999

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

Publisher: The British Society for the Philosophy of Science;Oxford University Press
Subject: History of Science & Technology;Philosophy
ISSN: 0007-0882
e-ISSN: 1464-3537
Access Period: 1950-05-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The British Journal for the History of Science

Publisher: The British Society for the History of Science;Cambridge University Press
Subject: History of Science & Technology
ISSN: 0007-0874
e-ISSN: 1474-001X
Access Period: 1962-06-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Black Perspective in Music

Subject: African American Studies;Music
ISSN: 0090-7790
Access Period: 1973-04-01 - 1990-10-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1990.

The Biblical World

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Religion
ISSN: 0190-3578
Access Period: 1893-01-01 - 1920-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Biblical Archaeologist

Publisher: The American Schools of Oriental Research
Subject: Archaeology;Religion
ISSN: 0006-0895
Access Period: 1938-02-01 - 1997-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Bell Journal of Economics

Publisher: RAND Corporation
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0361-915X
Access Period: 1975-04-01 - 1983-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Auk

Publisher: American Ornithologists' Union
Subject: Biological Sciences;Zoology
ISSN: 0004-8038
e-ISSN: 1938-4254
Access Period: 1884-01-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Athenian Agora

Publisher: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Subject: Archaeology;Art & Art History;Classical Studies
ISSN: 1558-8610
Access Period: 1953-01-01 - 2011-01-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Art Institute of Chicago Quarterly

Publisher: The Art Institute of Chicago
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 1935-6609
Access Period: 1951-09-15 - 1965-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Art Bulletin

Publisher: College Art Association
Subject: Art & Art History
ISSN: 0004-3079
Access Period: 1919-09-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Arkansas Historical Quarterly

Publisher: Arkansas Historical Association
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0004-1823
Access Period: 1942-03-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Antioch Review

Publisher: Antioch Review, Inc.
Subject: Language & Literature
ISSN: 0003-5769
Access Period: 1941-04-01 - 2013-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The Anti-Union

Subject: History;Irish Studies;Political Science
ISSN: 2009-1672
Access Period: 1798-12-27 - 1799-03-09
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 1799.

The Anthropological Review

Publisher: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 1368-0382
Access Period: 1863-05-01 - 1870-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research

Publisher: The American Schools of Oriental Research
Subject: Archaeology
ISSN: 0066-0035
Access Period: 1922-01-01 - 2013-01-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Annual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem

Publisher: The American Schools of Oriental Research
Subject: Archaeology
ISSN: 1933-2505
Access Period: 1919-01-01 - 1921-01-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

Publisher: American Academy of Political and Social Science;Sage Publications, Inc.
Subject: Economics;Political Science;Sociology
ISSN: 0002-7162
Access Period: 1890-07-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Annals of Statistics

Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Subject: Statistics
ISSN: 0090-5364
Access Period: 1973-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Annals of Probability

Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Subject: Statistics
ISSN: 0091-1798
Access Period: 1973-02-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Annals of Mathematical Statistics

Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Subject: Statistics
ISSN: 0003-4851
Access Period: 1930-02-01 - 1972-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Annals of Applied Probability

Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Subject: Statistics
ISSN: 1050-5164
Access Period: 1991-02-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The Analyst

Publisher: Annals of Mathematics
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 0741-7918
Access Period: 1874-01-01 - 1883-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Analysts Journal

Publisher: CFA Institute
Subject: Business;Finance
ISSN: 1940-882X
Access Period: 1948-09-01 - 1959-11-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The Americas

Publisher: Academy of American Franciscan History
Subject: Latin American Studies
ISSN: 0003-1615
e-ISSN: 1533-6247
Access Period: 1944-07-01 - 2012-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The American Statistician

Publisher: American Statistical Association;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Subject: Statistics
ISSN: 0003-1305
Access Period: 1947-08-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The American Slavic and East European Review

Publisher: Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Subject: Slavic Studies
ISSN: 1049-7544
Access Period: 1945-08-01 - 1961-04-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Political Science Review

Publisher: American Political Science Association
Subject: American Studies;Political Science
ISSN: 0003-0554
e-ISSN: 1537-5943
Access Period: 1906-11-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The American Naturalist

Publisher: The American Society of Naturalists;The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Biological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
ISSN: 0003-0147
e-ISSN: 1537-5323
Access Period: 1867-03-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The American Mathematical Monthly

Publisher: Mathematical Association of America
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 0002-9890
e-ISSN: 1930-0972
Access Period: 1894-01-01 - 2013-12-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The American Law Register and Review

Publisher: The University of Pennsylvania Law Review
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1558-3538
Access Period: 1892-01-01 - 1897-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Law Register (1898-1907)

Publisher: The University of Pennsylvania Law Review
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1558-3562
Access Period: 1898-01-01 - 1907-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Law Register (1852-1891)

Publisher: The University of Pennsylvania Law Review
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1558-3813
Access Period: 1852-11-01 - 1891-12-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Journal of Theology

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Religion
ISSN: 1550-3283
Access Period: 1897-01-01 - 1920-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures

Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Subject: Archaeology;Middle East Studies
ISSN: 1062-0516
Access Period: 1895-10-01 - 1941-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Journal of Psychology

Publisher: University of Illinois Press
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 0002-9556
Access Period: 1887-11-01 - 2013-11-20
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The American Journal of Police Science

Publisher: Northwestern University School of Law
Subject: Criminology & Criminal Justice;Law
ISSN: 1547-6154
Access Period: 1930-01-01 - 1932-03-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Journal of Philology

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Classical Studies;Language & Literature;Linguistics
ISSN: 0002-9475
e-ISSN: 1086-3168
Access Period: 1880-01-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The American Journal of Nursing

Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Subject: Health Sciences
ISSN: 0002-936X
Access Period: 1900-10-01 - 2009-12-01
Coverage Note: 7 years

The American Journal of Legal History

Publisher: Temple University
Subject: History;Law
ISSN: 0002-9319
Access Period: 1957-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 3 years

The American Journal of International Law

Publisher: American Society of International Law
Subject: Law;Political Science
ISSN: 0002-9300
e-ISSN: 2161-7953
Access Period: 1907-01-01 - 2014-10-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 2 years

The American Journal of Economics and Sociology

Publisher: American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Inc.
Subject: Business;Economics;Sociology
ISSN: 0002-9246
Access Period: 1941-10-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts

Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Subject: Archaeology;Architecture & Architectural History;Art & Art History;Classical Studies
ISSN: 1540-5079
Access Period: 1885-01-01 - 1896-10-01
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Historical Review

Publisher: American Historical Association;Oxford University Press
Subject: American Studies;History
ISSN: 0002-8762
e-ISSN: 1937-5239
Access Period: 1895-10-01 - 2011-12-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The American Economic Review

Publisher: American Economic Association
Subject: Business;Economics
ISSN: 0002-8282
Access Period: 1911-03-01 - 2014-12-01
Coverage Note: 2 years

The American Catholic Sociological Review

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Religion;Sociology
ISSN: 0362-515X
Access Period: 1940-03-01 - 1963-12-31
Coverage Note: Absorbed

The American Biology Teacher

Publisher: National Association of Biology Teachers;University of California Press
Subject: Biological Sciences;Education
ISSN: 0002-7685
e-ISSN: 1938-4211
Access Period: 1938-10-01 - 2013-11-01
Coverage Note: Moving Wall: 3 years

The American Art Journal

Publisher: Kennedy Galleries, Inc.
Subject: American Studies;Art & Art History
ISSN: 0002-7359
Access Period: 1969-04-01 - 2003-01-01
Coverage Note: Publication of this title ceased in 2004.

The Accounting Review

Publisher: American Accounting Association
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0001-4826
Access Period: 1926-03-01 - 2011-11-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Academy of Management Review

Publisher: Academy of Management
Subject: Business;Management & Organizational Behavior;Sociology
ISSN: 0363-7425
Access Period: 1976-01-01 - 2011-10-01
Coverage Note: 5 years

The Journal of Chemical Physics

Publisher: AIP Publishing
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 0021-9606
e-ISSN: 1089-7690
Access Period: 1999-01 -

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Publisher: Acoustical Society of America
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 0001-4966
Access Period: 1999-01 -

The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances

Publisher: Emerald (LIS Collection)
Subject: Library and Information Science
ISSN: 0888-045X
Access Period: 1994-01 -

The Electronic Library

Publisher: Emerald (LIS Collection)
Subject: Library and Information Science
ISSN: 0264-0473
Access Period: 1994-01 -

Turkish Studies

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Area Studies-Europe
ISSN: 1468-3849
e-ISSN: 1743-9663
Access Period: 2000-03-01 -

Tribology Transactions

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 1040-2004
e-ISSN: 1547-397X
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Transportation Planning and Technology

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography, Transport Engineering
ISSN: 0308-1060
e-ISSN: 1029-0354
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Transport Theory and Statistical Physics

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 0041-1450
e-ISSN: 1532-2424
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Transport Reviews

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography, Transport Engineering
ISSN: 0144-1647
e-ISSN: 1464-5327
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Translation Studies

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Literature, Language and Linguistics
ISSN: 1478-1700
e-ISSN: 1751-2921
Access Period: 2008-01-01 -

Traffic Injury Prevention

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Geography, Transport Engineering
ISSN: 1538-9588
e-ISSN: 1538-957X
Access Period: 2002-03-01 -

Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Chemistry, Pharmacy
ISSN: 0277-2248
e-ISSN: 1029-0486
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Total Quality Management & Business Excellence

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Business and Management, Manufacturing Engineering
ISSN: 1478-3363
e-ISSN: 1478-3371
Access Period: 2003-01-01 -

Tourism Geographies

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1461-6688
e-ISSN: 1470-1340
Access Period: 1999-02-01 -

Third World Quarterly

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0143-6597
e-ISSN: 1360-2241
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Third Text

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Performing Arts
ISSN: 0952-8822
e-ISSN: 1475-5297
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Thinking & Reasoning

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 1354-6783
e-ISSN: 1464-0708
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Theory Into Practice

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0040-5841
e-ISSN: 1543-0421
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Ergonomics
ISSN: 1463-922X
e-ISSN: 1464-536X
Access Period: 2000-01-01 -

The Teacher Educator

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0887-8730
e-ISSN: 1938-8101
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Theology and Science

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Philosophy, Science, Religion and Theology
ISSN: 1474-6700
e-ISSN: 1474-6719
Access Period: 2003-06-01 -

The Sixties

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: History
ISSN: 1754-1328
e-ISSN: 1754-1336
Access Period: 2008-06-01 -

The Service Industries Journal

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Business and Management
ISSN: 0264-2069
e-ISSN: 1743-9507
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Round Table

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0035-8533
e-ISSN: 1474-029X
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 1747-0218
e-ISSN: 1747-0226
Access Period: 2006-01-01 -

The Psychologist-Manager Journal

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 1088-7156
e-ISSN: 1550-3461
Access Period: 2005-07-01 -

The Professional Geographer

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0033-0124
e-ISSN: 1467-9272
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Pacific Review

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Area Studies-Asia
ISSN: 0951-2748
e-ISSN: 1470-1332
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Nonproliferation Review

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Defence Studies
ISSN: 1073-6700
e-ISSN: 1746-1766
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Military Balance

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Defence Studies
ISSN: 0459-7222
e-ISSN: 1479-9022
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Positive Psychology

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 1743-9760
e-ISSN: 1743-9779
Access Period: 2006-01-01 -

The Journal of Slavic Military Studies

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Social Science
ISSN: 1351-8046
e-ISSN: 1556-3006
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Pacific History

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: History
ISSN: 0022-3344
e-ISSN: 1469-9605
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Mathematical Sociology

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Social Science
ISSN: 0022-250X
e-ISSN: 1545-5874
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of North African Studies

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Area Studies-Africa
ISSN: 1362-9387
e-ISSN: 1743-9345
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Legislative Studies

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Social Science, Criminology
ISSN: 1357-2334
e-ISSN: 1743-9337
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Legal History

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Social Science, Criminology
ISSN: 0144-0365
e-ISSN: 1744-0564
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0963-8199
e-ISSN: 1469-9559
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: History
ISSN: 0308-6534
e-ISSN: 1743-9329
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Architecture

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography, Architecture
ISSN: 1360-2365
e-ISSN: 1466-4410
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Chemical Engineering
ISSN: 1389-224X
e-ISSN: 1750-8622
Access Period: 1998-06-01 -

The Journal of Adhesion

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Chemistry
ISSN: 0021-8464
e-ISSN: 1545-5823
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal for Specialists in Group Work

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 0193-3922
e-ISSN: 1549-6295
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The International Trade Journal

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0885-3908
e-ISSN: 1521-0545
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Business and Management, Manufacturing Engineering
ISSN: 0959-3969
e-ISSN: 1466-4402
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The International Spectator

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0393-2729
e-ISSN: 1751-9721
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The International Journal of Human Rights

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 1364-2987
e-ISSN: 1744-053X
Access Period: 1997-03-01 -

The International Journal of Human Resource Management

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Business and Management
ISSN: 0958-5192
e-ISSN: 1466-4399
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Information Society

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Communication, Computer Science, Library and Information Science
ISSN: 0197-2243
e-ISSN: 1087-6537
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Civil Engineering
ISSN: 1937-3260
e-ISSN: 1937-3279
Access Period: 2008-02-01 -

The Humanistic Psychologist

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 0887-3267
e-ISSN: 1547-3333
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Geography Teacher

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1933-8341
e-ISSN: 1752-6884
Access Period: 2007-03-06 -

The European Legacy

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Political Science, History
ISSN: 1084-8770
e-ISSN: 1470-1316
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0967-2567
e-ISSN: 1469-5936
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The European Journal of Finance

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Accounting and Finance
ISSN: 1351-847X
e-ISSN: 1466-4364
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Engineering Economist

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 0013-791X
e-ISSN: 1547-2701
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Educational Forum

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0013-1725
e-ISSN: 1938-8098
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Clinical Neuropsychologist

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Neuropsychology, Psychology, Medical Science
ISSN: 1385-4046
e-ISSN: 1744-4144
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Communication Review

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Mass Communication
ISSN: 1071-4421
e-ISSN: 1547-7487
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The American Journal of Family Therapy

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 0192-6187
e-ISSN: 1521-0383
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Academy of Management Annals

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Business and Management
ISSN: 1941-6520
e-ISSN: 1941-6067
Access Period: 2007-12-01 -

Textual Practice

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Literature, Language and Linguistics
ISSN: 0950-236X
e-ISSN: 1470-1308
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Textile Progress

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Manufacturing Engineering
ISSN: 0040-5167
e-ISSN: 1754-2278
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Tertiary Education and Management

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1358-3883
e-ISSN: 1573-1936
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Text and Performance Quarterly

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Communication
ISSN: 1046-2937
e-ISSN: 1479-5760
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Terrorism and Political Violence

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0954-6553
e-ISSN: 1556-1836
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Technology Analysis & Strategic Management

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Business and Management
ISSN: 0953-7325
e-ISSN: 1465-3990
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Technology Pedagogy and Education

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1475-939X
e-ISSN: 1747-5139
Access Period: 2003-03-01 -

Teaching in Higher Education

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1356-2517
e-ISSN: 1470-1294
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Technical Communication Quarterly

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Communication
ISSN: 1057-2252
e-ISSN: 1542-7625
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Teaching Education

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1047-6210
e-ISSN: 1470-1286
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Teaching Artist Journal

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education, Arts
ISSN: 1541-1796
e-ISSN: 1541-180X
Access Period: 2003-03-01 -

Teachers and Teaching

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1354-0602
e-ISSN: 1470-1278
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Teaching and Learning in Medicine

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Medical Science
ISSN: 1040-1334
e-ISSN: 1532-8015
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Teacher Development

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 1366-4530
e-ISSN: 1747-5120
Access Period: 1997-03-01 -

The Language Learning Journal

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0957-1736
e-ISSN: 1753-2167
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Peasant Studies

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0306-6150
e-ISSN: 1743-9361
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Journal of Development Studies

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0022-0388
e-ISSN: 1743-9140
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The International Journal of the History of Sport

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Social Science
ISSN: 0952-3367
e-ISSN: 1743-9035
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology

Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 1444-2213
e-ISSN: 1740-9314
Access Period: 2000-01-01 -

The International Journal of Aviation Psychology

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Psychology, Aeronautics And Space Flight,Air Transport
ISSN: 1050-8414
e-ISSN: 1532-7108
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Sciences - Comprehensive Works 
ISSN: 0035-919X
e-ISSN: 2154-0098
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

The Classical Review

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: General Science
ISSN: 0009-840X
e-ISSN: 1464-3561
Access Period: 1998-04-01 - Current
Coverage Note:


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Statistics and Probability
ISSN: 0141-982X
e-ISSN: 1467-9639
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Religion and Theology
ISSN: 1368-4868
e-ISSN: 1467-9647
Access Period: 1998 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0954-4879
e-ISSN: 1365-3121
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Biological Science
ISSN: 1932-8486
e-ISSN: 1932-8494
Access Period: 1996 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0004-9018
e-ISSN: 1467-8462
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0007-1315
e-ISSN: 1468-4446
Access Period: 1999 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0008-3658
e-ISSN: 1541-0064
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Chemistry
ISSN: 1527-8999
e-ISSN: 1528-0691
Access Period: 2001 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0012-1533
e-ISSN: 1746-1049
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 1368-4221
e-ISSN: 1368-423X
Access Period: 1998 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0013-0133
e-ISSN: 1468-0297
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0013-0249
e-ISSN: 1475-4932
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0967-0750
e-ISSN: 1468-0351
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Religion and Theology
ISSN: 0013-0796
e-ISSN: 1758-6623
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0016-7398
e-ISSN: 1475-4959
Access Period: 2000 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Cultural Studies
ISSN: 0016-8831
e-ISSN: 1756-1183
Access Period: 2005 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Religion and Theology
ISSN: 0018-1196
e-ISSN: 1468-2265
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: History
ISSN: 0018-2370
e-ISSN: 1540-6563
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0265-5527
e-ISSN: 1468-2311
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 1352-4739
e-ISSN: 1468-5876
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Cultural Studies
ISSN: 1542-7331
e-ISSN: 1542-734X
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 0021-8774
e-ISSN: 1468-5922
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Medical Science
ISSN: 0021-9967
e-ISSN: 1096-9861
Access Period: 1996 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Microbiology
ISSN: 1066-5234
e-ISSN: 1550-7408
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Ecology, Biological Science
ISSN: 1932-5223
e-ISSN: 1932-5231
Access Period: 1996 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics, Accounting and Finance
ISSN: 0270-2592
e-ISSN: 1475-6803
Access Period: 2002 - Current


Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0270-7314
e-ISSN: 1096-9934
Access Period: 1996 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0022-1821
e-ISSN: 1467-6451
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0963-8016
e-ISSN: 1467-9760
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Cultural Studies
ISSN: 0022-3840
e-ISSN: 1540-5931
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Business and Management
ISSN: 0737-6782
e-ISSN: 1540-5885
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 1359-0987
e-ISSN: 1467-9655
Access Period: 2000 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1422-2213
e-ISSN: 1747-1796
Access Period: 1998 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 1463-6786
e-ISSN: 1467-9957
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0026-7961
e-ISSN: 1468-2230
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Religion and Theology
ISSN: 0027-4909
e-ISSN: 1478-1913
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0031-868X
e-ISSN: 1477-9730
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 0960-7412
e-ISSN: 1365-313X
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0032-3179
e-ISSN: 1467-923X
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Meteorology, Geography, Environmental Science
ISSN: 0035-9009
e-ISSN: 1477-870X
Access Period: 2002 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0741-6261
e-ISSN: 1756-2171
Access Period: 2007 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0036-0341
e-ISSN: 1467-9434
Access Period: 1998 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0347-0520
e-ISSN: 1467-9442
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0038-2280
e-ISSN: 1813-6982
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0038-4283
e-ISSN: 2041-6962
Access Period: 2010 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0378-5920
e-ISSN: 1467-9701
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0044-0124
e-ISSN: 1467-9736
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0040-5825
e-ISSN: 1755-2567
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0040-747X
e-ISSN: 1467-9663
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Psychology, Cognitive Science
ISSN: 1756-8757
e-ISSN: 1756-8765
Access Period: 2009 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 1361-1682
e-ISSN: 1467-9671
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Geography
ISSN: 0020-2754
e-ISSN: 1475-5661
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Language and Linguistics
ISSN: 0079-1636
e-ISSN: 1467-968X
Access Period: 1997 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Veterinary Science
ISSN: 1865-1674
e-ISSN: 1865-1682
Access Period: 1999 - Current


Publisher: Blackwell
Subject: Anthropology
ISSN: 1051-0559
e-ISSN: 1548-7466
Access Period: 1997 - Current

The Classical Quarterly

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: General Science
ISSN: 0009-8388
e-ISSN: 1471-6844
Access Period: 2001-07-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Antiquaries Journal

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Anthropology, Archeology
ISSN: 0003-5815
e-ISSN: 1758-5309
Access Period: 2006-09-01 - Current
Coverage Note:


Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Music
ISSN: 0040-2982
e-ISSN: 1478-2286
Access Period: 2003-01-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Review of Symbolic Logic

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 1755-0203
e-ISSN: 1755-0211
Access Period: 2008-06-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Review of Politics

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0034-6705
e-ISSN: 1748-6858
Access Period: 2006-02-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Lichenologist

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: General Science
ISSN: 0024-2829
e-ISSN: 1096-1135
Access Period: 1958-11-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Knowledge Engineering Review

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Computer Science
ISSN: 0269-8889
e-ISSN: 1469-8005
Access Period: 1997-01-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Journal of Politics

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0022-3816
e-ISSN: 1468-2508
Access Period: 2000-02-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Journal of Navigation

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Geology
ISSN: 0373-4633
e-ISSN: 1469-7785
Access Period: 1998-01-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Journal of Modern African Studies

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Area Studies
ISSN: 0022-278X
e-ISSN: 1469-7777
Access Period: 1997-03-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Journal of Laryngology & Otology

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Medical Science
ISSN: 0022-2151
e-ISSN: 1748-5460
Access Period: 1887-01-01 - Current
Coverage Note: Previous Titles: The Journal of Laryngology, Rhinology, and

The Journal of Economic History

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0022-0507
e-ISSN: 1471-6372
Access Period: 2001-03-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Journal of Ecclesiastical History

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0022-0469
e-ISSN: 1469-7637
Access Period: 1998-01-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Journal of Asian Studies

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Area Studies
ISSN: 0021-9118
e-ISSN: 1752-0401
Access Period: 2004-02-01 - Current
Coverage Note: Previous Titles: Far Eastern Quarterly Volumes 1 (1941) - 15

The Journal of Agricultural Science

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Agricultural Science
ISSN: 0021-8596
e-ISSN: 1469-5146
Access Period: 1997-02-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Journal of African History

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0021-8537
e-ISSN: 1469-5138
Access Period: 1997-03-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 1461-1457
e-ISSN: 1469-5111
Access Period: 1998-07-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The International Journal of Asian Studies

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Area Studies
ISSN: 1479-5914
e-ISSN: 1479-5922
Access Period: 2004-01-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Historical Journal

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0018-246X
e-ISSN: 1469-5103
Access Period: 1997-03-01 - Current
Coverage Note: Previous Titles: Cambridge Historical Journal Volumes 1 (192

the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Psychology
e-ISSN: 1754-470X
Access Period: 2008-04-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The China Quarterly

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Area Studies
ISSN: 0305-7410
e-ISSN: 1468-2648
Access Period: 2001-03-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The Cambridge Law Journal

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Law
ISSN: 0008-1973
e-ISSN: 1469-2139
Access Period: 1998-03-01 - Current
Coverage Note:

The British Journal for the History of Science

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0007-0874
e-ISSN: 1474-001X
Access Period: 2001-03-01 - Current
Coverage Note: Previous Titles: Bulletin of the British Society for the His

The ANZIAM Journal

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 1446-1811
e-ISSN: 1446-8735
Access Period: 2008-01-01 - Current
Coverage Note: Previous Titles: The Journal of the Australian Mathematical

Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Computer Science, Mathematics
ISSN: 0268-3679
e-ISSN: 1471-6976
Access Period: 1996 - Current

Toxicological Sciences

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Medical Science
ISSN: 1096-6080
e-ISSN: 1096-0929
Access Period: 1996 - Current

Trusts & Trustees

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Law
ISSN: 1363-1780
e-ISSN: 1752-2110
Access Period: 1996 - Current

Twentieth Century British History

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Humanities, History
ISSN: 0955-2359
e-ISSN: 1477-4674
Access Period: 1996 - Current

Tokyo Journal of Mathematics

Publisher: Publication Committee for the Tokyo Journal of Mathematics
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 0387-3870
Access Period: 2002 - Current

Tohoku Mathematical Journal

Publisher: Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 0040-8735
Access Period: 1949 - current

Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics

Publisher: University of Tsukuba, Institute of Mathematics
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 0387-4982
Access Period: 2009 - current

The Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry

Publisher: The Catholic University of America Press
ISSN: 0022-6858
e-ISSN: 2326-6236
Access Period: 2012 -

The Mark Twain Annual

Publisher: Penn State University Press
ISSN: 1553-0981
e-ISSN: 1756-2597
Access Period: 2013 -

Tampa Review

Publisher: University of Tampa Press
ISSN: 0896-064X
e-ISSN: 2326-4101
Access Period: 2013 -

The Edgar Allan Poe Review

Publisher: Penn State University Press
ISSN: 2150-0428
e-ISSN: 2166-2932
Access Period: 2013-03 -

The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review

Publisher: Penn State University Press
ISSN: 1543-3951
e-ISSN: 1755-6333
Access Period: 2013 -

The William and Mary Quarterly

Publisher: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture
ISSN: 0043-5597
e-ISSN: 1933-7698
Access Period: 2015-01 -

Theatre Symposium

Publisher: The University of Alabama Press
ISSN: 1065-4917
e-ISSN: 2166-9937
Access Period: 2007 -

The Cormac McCarthy Journal

Publisher: Penn State University Press
ISSN: 2333-3073
e-ISSN: 2333-3065


Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
ISSN: 0360-5949
e-ISSN: 1533-0699
Access Period: 2015-03 -

Theoretical & Applied Ethics

Publisher: University of Nebraska Press
e-ISSN: 2156-7174
Access Period: 2013-06 -

The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis

Publisher: University of Nebraska Press
ISSN: 2328-4048
e-ISSN: 2328-4048
Access Period: 2014 -

The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats

Publisher: The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats
ISSN: 0190-731X
e-ISSN: 2165-0624
Access Period: 2011-09 -

The Journal of Individual Psychology

Publisher: University of Texas Press
ISSN: 1522-2527
e-ISSN: 2332-0583
Access Period: 2014-03 -

Transportation Journal

Publisher: Penn State University Press
ISSN: 0041-1612
e-ISSN: 2157-328X
Access Period: 2012-12 -


Publisher: Duke University Press
ISSN: 0887-9982
e-ISSN: 2164-0041
Access Period: 2012-12 -

The Southern Quarterly

Publisher: College of Arts and Letters, University of Southern Mississippi
ISSN: 0038-4496
e-ISSN: 2377-2050
Access Period: 2014-09 -

Theatre History Studies

Publisher: The University of Alabama Press
ISSN: 0733-2033
e-ISSN: 2166-9953
Access Period: 2007 -

The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality

Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISSN: 1188-4517
e-ISSN: 2291-7063
Access Period: 2014-04 -

Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal

Publisher: Indiana University Press
ISSN: 2167-4779
e-ISSN: 2167-4787
Access Period: 2013 - 2015


Publisher: Fordham University Press
ISSN: 0362-1529
e-ISSN: 2166-5508
Access Period: 2002 -

The Massachusetts Review

Publisher: Massachusetts Review, Inc.
ISSN: 0025-4878
e-ISSN: 2330-0485
Access Period: 2015-03 -

Twentieth-Century Literature

Publisher: Duke University Press
ISSN: 0041-462X
e-ISSN: 2325-8101
Access Period: 2015-03 -

Theatre Notebook

Publisher: The Society for Theatre Research
ISSN: 0040-5523
e-ISSN: 2051-8358
Access Period: 2013 -

The Yearbook of Comparative Literature

Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISSN: 1925-5764
e-ISSN: 1925-5772
Access Period: 2009 -

Toronto Journal of Theology

Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISSN: 0826-9831
e-ISSN: 1918-6371
Access Period: 2011-03 -

The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville

Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISSN: 0730-479X
e-ISSN: 1918-6649
Access Period: 2009 -

The Journal of the Civil War Era

Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press
ISSN: 2154-4727
e-ISSN: 2159-9807
Access Period: 2011-03 -

The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies

Publisher: Penn State University Press
ISSN: 1947-6574
e-ISSN: 2152-9272
Access Period: 2010 -

The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures

Publisher: Penn State University Press
ISSN: 1947-6566
e-ISSN: 2153-9650
Access Period: 2010 -

The Yale Journal of Criticism

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0893-5378
e-ISSN: 1080-6636
Access Period: 1996-03 -

The Washington Quarterly

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 0163-660X
e-ISSN: 1530-9177
Access Period: 2000-12 - 2008-09

The Velvet Light Trap

Publisher: University of Texas Press
Subject: Arts
ISSN: 0149-1830
e-ISSN: 1542-4251
Access Period: 2003-03 -

Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature

Publisher: The University of Tulsa
Subject: Womens Studies
ISSN: 0732-7730
e-ISSN: 1936-1645
Access Period: 2007-03 -

Twentieth-Century China

Publisher: The Ohio State University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 1521-5385
e-ISSN: 1940-5065
Access Period: 2007-11 -

Translation and Literature

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0968-1361
e-ISSN: 1750-0214
Access Period: 2006-03 - 2008-09

Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa

Publisher: Transformation
Subject: Humanities
ISSN: 0258-7696
e-ISSN: 1726-1368
Access Period: 2002 -


Publisher: Indiana University Press
Subject: Social Science
ISSN: 0041-1191
e-ISSN: 1527-8042
Access Period: 2000 -

Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy

Publisher: Indiana University Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0009-1774
e-ISSN: 1558-9587
Access Period: 2005-12 -

Transactions of the American Philological Association

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Philosophy, Social Science
ISSN: 0360-5949
e-ISSN: 1533-0699
Access Period: 2000 - 2014-09

Tolkien Studies

Publisher: West Virginia University Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 1547-3155
e-ISSN: 1547-3163
Access Period: 2004 -

Theory & Event

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Political Science
e-ISSN: 1092-311X
Access Period: 1997 -

Theory Into Practice

Publisher: Ohio State University College of Education
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0040-5841
e-ISSN: 1543-0421
Access Period: 2003-12 - 2004-09

Theatre Topics

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Arts
ISSN: 1054-8378
e-ISSN: 1086-3346
Access Period: 1991-03 -


Publisher: Duke University Press
Subject: Arts
ISSN: 0161-0775
e-ISSN: 1527-196X
Access Period: 1999-06 - 2004-09

Theatre Journal

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Arts
ISSN: 0192-2882
e-ISSN: 1086-332X
Access Period: 1996-03 -

Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation

Publisher: Society for Textual Scholarship
Subject: Language and Linguistics, Literature
ISSN: 1559-2936
e-ISSN: 1933-7418
Access Period: 2006-03 -


Publisher: Société Guilhem IX
Subject: Literature, Language and Linguistics, Music
ISSN: 0890-3352
e-ISSN: 1944-0146
Access Period: 1985 -

Texas Studies in Literature and Language

Publisher: University of Texas Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0040-4691
e-ISSN: 1534-7303
Access Period: 2001-03 -

Technology and Culture

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Social Science, Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 0040-165X
e-ISSN: 1097-3729
Access Period: 1998-07 -

TDR: The Drama Review

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: Arts
ISSN: 1054-2043
e-ISSN: 1531-4715
Access Period: 1999-09 -

The Southern Literary Journal

Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0038-4291
e-ISSN: 1534-1461
Access Period: 2000-09 -

The South Atlantic Quarterly

Publisher: Duke University Press
Subject: Social Science
ISSN: 0038-2876
e-ISSN: 1527-8026
Access Period: 1999-06 - 2004-09

The Scottish Historical Review

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0036-9241
e-ISSN: 1750-0222
Access Period: 2006-04 - 2008-10

The Review of Higher Education

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0162-5748
e-ISSN: 1090-7009
Access Period: 1996-09 -

The Pluralist

Publisher: University of Illinois Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 1930-7365
e-ISSN: 1944-6489
Access Period: 2009-03 -

The Opera Quarterly

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Music
ISSN: 0736-0053
e-ISSN: 1476-2870
Access Period: 2002-12 -

The Moving Image

Publisher: University of Minnesota Press
Subject: Performing Arts
ISSN: 1532-3978
e-ISSN: 1542-4235
Access Period: 2003-03 -

The Missouri Review

Publisher: University of Missouri
Subject: Literature, History
ISSN: 0191-1961
e-ISSN: 1548-9930
Access Period: 1978-03 -

The Middle East Journal

Publisher: Middle East Institute
Subject: History
ISSN: 0026-3141
e-ISSN: 1940-3461
Access Period: 2009-12 -

The Lion and the Unicorn

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0147-2593
e-ISSN: 1080-6563
Access Period: 1977 -

The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Library and Information Science
ISSN: 0024-2160
e-ISSN: 1744-8581
Access Period: 2006-03 -

The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Music
ISSN: 1939-6724
e-ISSN: 1941-3599
Access Period: 2008-12 -

The Journal of Speculative Philosophy

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0891-625X
e-ISSN: 1527-9383
Access Period: 1999 -

The Journal of Nietzsche Studies

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0968-8005
e-ISSN: 1538-4594
Access Period: 2002-03 -

The Journal of Military History

Publisher: Society for Military History
Subject: History
ISSN: 0899-3718
e-ISSN: 1543-7795
Access Period: 2003-01 - 2009-10

The Journal of Japanese Studies

Publisher: Society for Japanese Studies
Subject: History
ISSN: 0095-6848
e-ISSN: 1549-4721
Access Period: 2004-12 -

The Journal of Higher Education

Publisher: The Ohio State University Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0022-1546
e-ISSN: 1538-4640
Access Period: 2002-01 -

The Journal of General Education

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0021-3667
e-ISSN: 1527-2060
Access Period: 1999 -

The Journal of Developing Areas

Publisher: Tennessee State University College of Business
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0022-037X
e-ISSN: 1548-2278
Access Period: 2003-09 -

The Journal of Aesthetic Education

Publisher: University of Illinois Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0021-8510
e-ISSN: 1543-7809
Access Period: 2003-03 -

The Innes Review

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Subject: History, Religion and Theology
ISSN: 0020-157X
e-ISSN: 1745-5219
Access Period: 2007-03 - 2008-09

The Hopkins Review

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Social Science
ISSN: 1939-6589
e-ISSN: 1939-9774
Access Period: 2008-12 -

The High School Journal

Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press
Subject: Education
ISSN: 0018-1498
e-ISSN: 1534-5157
Access Period: 2001-02 -

The Henry James Review

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0273-0340
e-ISSN: 1080-6555
Access Period: 1979-11 -

The Hemingway Review

Publisher: University of Idaho Department of English
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0276-3362
e-ISSN: 1548-4815
Access Period: 2000-09 -

The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 1081-180X
e-ISSN: 1531328x
Access Period: 1999-06 - 2000-09

The Good Society

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 1089-0017
e-ISSN: 1538-9731
Access Period: 2002 -

The Global South

Publisher: Indiana University Press
Subject: Economics, Social Science
ISSN: 1932-8648
e-ISSN: 1932-8656
Access Period: 2007 -

The Future of Children

Publisher: Princeton University
Subject: Political Science
ISSN: 1054-8289
e-ISSN: 1550-1558
Access Period: 2005-03 -

The Emily Dickinson Journal

Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 1059-6879
e-ISSN: 1096-858X
Access Period: 1992-03 -

The Eighteenth Century

Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0193-5380
e-ISSN: 1935-0201
Access Period: 2006-03 -

The Contemporary Pacific

Publisher: University of Hawai'i Press
Subject: Social Science
ISSN: 1043-898X
e-ISSN: 1527-9464
Access Period: 2000-03 -

The Comparatist

Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0195-7678
e-ISSN: 1559-0887
Access Period: 1992-05 -

The Catholic Historical Review

Publisher: The Catholic University of America Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0008-8080
e-ISSN: 1534-0708
Access Period: 2000-07 -

The Chaucer Review

Publisher: Penn State University Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0009-2002
e-ISSN: 1528-4204
Access Period: 2000 -

The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne des langues vivantes

Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Subject: Language and Linguistics
ISSN: 0008-4506
e-ISSN: 1710-1131
Access Period: 2004-09 -

The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique

Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Subject: Language and Linguistics
ISSN: 0008-4131
e-ISSN: 1710-1115
Access Period: 2003-03 -

The Canadian Historical Review

Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0008-3755
e-ISSN: 1710-1093
Access Period: 2004-03 -

The Cambridge Quarterly

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0008-199X
e-ISSN: 1471-6836
Access Period: 2006 -

The Byron Journal

Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Subject: Literature
ISSN: 0301-7257
e-ISSN: 1757-0263
Access Period: 2009 -

The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies

Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Subject: Language and Linguistics, Literature, History
ISSN: 1475-3839
e-ISSN: 1478-3398
Access Period: 2009 - 2010

The Americas

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: History
ISSN: 0003-1615
e-ISSN: 1533-6247
Access Period: 2000-10 -

The American Journal of Bioethics

Publisher: The MIT Press
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 1526-5161
e-ISSN: 1536-0075
Access Period: 2001-12 - 2004-03

The American Indian Quarterly

Publisher: University of Nebraska Press
Subject: Social Science
ISSN: 0095-182X
e-ISSN: 1534-1828
Access Period: 2000-06 -

The Epigenetics Journal

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Zoology
ISSN: 1863-1665

Theory in Biosciences

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Ecology, Biological Science
ISSN: 1431-7613
e-ISSN: 1611-7530
Access Period: 2000-03 -

Transgenic Research

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences), Zoology
ISSN: 0962-8819
e-ISSN: 1573-9368
Access Period: 1997 -

Tree Genetics & Genomes

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 1614-2942
e-ISSN: 1614-2950
Access Period: 2005-05 -


Publisher: Springer
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 0931-1890
e-ISSN: 1432-2285
Access Period: 1997 -

Tropical Animal Health and Production

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Veterinary Science
ISSN: 0049-4747
e-ISSN: 1573-7438
Access Period: 1997 -

The Annals of Regional Science

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Economics, Environmental Science, Geography
ISSN: 0570-1864
e-ISSN: 1432-0592
Access Period: 1997 -

The European Journal of Health Economics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Medical Science, Economics
ISSN: 1618-7598
e-ISSN: 1618-7601
Access Period: 2000-03 -

The GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Business and Management, Insurance
ISSN: 1554-964X
Access Period: 2005 - 2007

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0895-5638
e-ISSN: 1573-045X
Access Period: 1997 -

The Journal of Technology Transfer

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 0892-9912
e-ISSN: 1573-7047
Access Period: 1997 -

The Review of Austrian Economics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0889-3047
e-ISSN: 1573-7128
Access Period: 1997 -

The Review of International Organizations

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Business and Management
ISSN: 1559-7431
e-ISSN: 1559-744X
Access Period: 2006-03 -

Theory and Decision

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0040-5833
e-ISSN: 1573-7187
Access Period: 1997 -


Publisher: Springer
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 1134-5764
e-ISSN: 1863-8279
Access Period: 1997 -

Transition Studies Review

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Business and Management, Economics
ISSN: 1614-4007
e-ISSN: 1614-4015
Access Period: 2004 - 2009


Publisher: Springer
Subject: Economics, Communication
ISSN: 0049-4488
e-ISSN: 1572-9435
Access Period: 1997 -

The Physics of Metals and Metallography

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 0031-918X
e-ISSN: 1555-6190
Access Period: 2006-01 -

The Protein Journal

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Chemistry
ISSN: 1572-3887
e-ISSN: 1573-4943
Access Period: 1997 -

Theoretical Chemistry Accounts

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Chemistry
ISSN: 1432-881X
e-ISSN: 1432-2234
Access Period: 1997 -

Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Chemistry
ISSN: 0040-5760
e-ISSN: 1573-935X
Access Period: 1997 -

Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
ISSN: 0040-5795
e-ISSN: 1608-3431
Access Period: 2000-01 -

Topics in Catalysis

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Chemistry
ISSN: 1022-5528
e-ISSN: 1572-9028
Access Period: 1997 -

Transition Metal Chemistry

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Chemistry
ISSN: 0340-4285
e-ISSN: 1572-901X
Access Period: 1997 -

Tribology Letters

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Chemistry, Nanotechnology
ISSN: 1023-8883
e-ISSN: 1573-2711
Access Period: 1997 -

The Journal of Supercomputing

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Computer Science
ISSN: 0920-8542
e-ISSN: 1573-0484
Access Period: 1997 -

Telecommunication Systems

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Computer Science, Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 1018-4864
e-ISSN: 1572-9451
Access Period: 1997 -

Theory of Computing Systems

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Computer Science
ISSN: 1432-4350
e-ISSN: 1433-0490
Access Period: 1997 -

The Visual Computer

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Computer Science
ISSN: 0178-2789
e-ISSN: 1432-2315
Access Period: 1997 -

The VLDB Journal

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Computer Science
ISSN: 1066-8888
e-ISSN: 0949-877X
Access Period: 1997 -

The Environmentalist

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Environmental Science
ISSN: 0251-1088
e-ISSN: 1573-2991
Access Period: 1997 - 2009

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Law, Environmental Science
ISSN: 0948-3349
e-ISSN: 1614-7502
Access Period: 1997 -

Theoretical and Applied Climatology

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Meteorology
ISSN: 0177-798X
e-ISSN: 1434-4483
Access Period: 1997 -

Transport in Porous Media

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Chemistry, Geology, Environmental Science, Civil Engineering
ISSN: 0169-3913
e-ISSN: 1573-1634
Access Period: 1997 -

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Computer Science, Manufacturing Engineering
ISSN: 0268-3768
e-ISSN: 1433-3015
Access Period: 1997 -

Thermal Engineering

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 0040-6015
e-ISSN: 1555-6301
Access Period: 2006-01 -

The American Sociologist

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0003-1232
e-ISSN: 1936-4784
Access Period: 1997 -

The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Language and Linguistics
ISSN: 1383-4924
e-ISSN: 1572-8552
Access Period: 1997-01 -

The Journal of Ethics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 1382-4554
e-ISSN: 1572-8609
Access Period: 1997-03 -

The Journal of Value Inquiry

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Philosophy, Political Science
ISSN: 0022-5363
e-ISSN: 1573-0492
Access Period: 1997 -

The Review of Black Political Economy

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Business And Economics ,Ethnic Interests
ISSN: 0034-6446
e-ISSN: 1936-4814
Access Period: 1997 -


Publisher: Springer
Subject: Education
ISSN: 8756-3894
e-ISSN: 1559-7075
Access Period: 1997 -

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 1386-7415
e-ISSN: 1573-1200
Access Period: 1997 -

Theory and Society

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0304-2421
e-ISSN: 1573-7853
Access Period: 1997 -


Publisher: Springer
Subject: Philosophy
ISSN: 0167-7411
e-ISSN: 1572-8749
Access Period: 1997 -

Trends in Organized Crime

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Criminology And Law Enforcement
ISSN: 1084-4791
e-ISSN: 1936-4830
Access Period: 1997 -

The Urban Review

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0042-0972
e-ISSN: 1573-1960
Access Period: 1997 -

The Ramanujan Journal

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 1382-4090
e-ISSN: 1572-9303
Access Period: 1997-03 -


Publisher: Springer
Subject: Statistics and Data, Economics, Insurance
ISSN: 1133-0686
e-ISSN: 1863-8260
Access Period: 1997 -

Transformation Groups

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Mathematics
ISSN: 1083-4362
e-ISSN: 1531-586X
Access Period: 1997 -

The Journal of Headache and Pain

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Medical Science
ISSN: 1129-2369
Access Period: 2000 - 2009

The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Astronomy and Astrophysics
ISSN: 0935-4956
e-ISSN: 1432-0754
Access Period: 1997 -

The European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nuclei

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 1434-6001
e-ISSN: 1434-601X
Access Period: 1998-01 -

The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 1434-6028
e-ISSN: 1434-6036
Access Period: 1998-01 -

The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 1434-6044
e-ISSN: 1434-6052
Access Period: 1998 - 2009

The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 1434-6060
e-ISSN: 1434-6079
Access Period: 1998-01 -

The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter and Biological Physics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Biological Science, Physics
ISSN: 1292-8941
e-ISSN: 1292-895X
Access Period: 2000-01 -

The European Physical Journal Special Topics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 1951-6355
e-ISSN: 1951-6401
Access Period: 2007-01 -

Technical Physics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 1063-7842
e-ISSN: 1090-6525
Access Period: 1997-01 -

Technical Physics Letters

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 1063-7850
e-ISSN: 1090-6533
Access Period: 1997-01 -

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 0935-4964
e-ISSN: 1432-2250
Access Period: 1997 -

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Physics
ISSN: 0040-5779
e-ISSN: 1573-9333
Access Period: 1997 -

Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

Publisher: Springer
Subject: Mechanical Engineering, Physics
ISSN: 0869-8643
e-ISSN: 1531-8699
Access Period: 2006-01 -