American Imago

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 0065-860X
e-ISSN: 1085-7931
Access Period: 1995-03 -

Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: The Ohio State University Press
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 1088-0763
e-ISSN: 1543-3390
Access Period: 2003-03 - 2003-09

Journal of the History of Sexuality

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: University of Texas Press
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 1043-4070
e-ISSN: 1535-3605
Access Period: 2001-01 -

Merrill-Palmer Quarterly

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: Wayne State University Press
Subject: Psychology
ISSN: 0272-930X
e-ISSN: 1535-0266
Access Period: 2001-01 -