Advertising & Society Review

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: Advertising Educational Foundation
Subject: Sociology
e-ISSN: 1534-7311
Access Period: 2000 -

American Annals of the Deaf

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: Gallaudet University Press
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0002-726X
e-ISSN: 1543-0375
Access Period: 1980-02 -

Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0714-9808
e-ISSN: 1710-1107
Access Period: 2004-03 -

Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 1742-3600
e-ISSN: 1750-0117
Access Period: 2006 - 2008

Le mouvement social

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: Association Le Mouvement Social
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0027-2671
e-ISSN: 1961-8646
Access Period: 2009 -

Social Forces

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0037-7732
e-ISSN: 1534-7605
Access Period: 2001-03 -

The Canadian Journal of Sociology

Collection: Project Muse
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Subject: Sociology
ISSN: 0318-6431
e-ISSN: 1710-1123
Access Period: 2004-12 - 2007-09