Journal of Agromedicine

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 1059-924X
e-ISSN: 1545-0813
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 1049-6475
e-ISSN: 1540-3580
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Plant Interactions

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 1742-9145
e-ISSN: 1742-9153
Access Period: 2005-03-01 -

Journal of Plant Nutrition

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 0190-4167
e-ISSN: 1532-4087
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Journal of Sustainable Forestry

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 1054-9811
e-ISSN: 1540-756X
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 1126-3504
e-ISSN: 1724-5575
Access Period: 1999-03-01 -

Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Botany(Plant Sciences)
ISSN: 1532-0383
e-ISSN: 1549-7887
Access Period: 2001-01-01 -