Engineering Studies

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Routledge
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 1937-8629
e-ISSN: 1940-8374
Access Period: 2009-03-01 -

Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 1940-9044
e-ISSN: 1940-9036
Access Period: 2009-02-10 -

International Journal of Crashworthiness

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 1358-8265
e-ISSN: 1754-2111
Access Period: 1997-09-01 -

The Engineering Economist

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 0013-791X
e-ISSN: 1547-2701
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Tribology Transactions

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 1040-2004
e-ISSN: 1547-397X
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Welding International

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 0950-7116
e-ISSN: 1754-2138
Access Period: 1997-01-01 -

Wood Material Science and Engineering

Collection: Taylor and Francis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Subject: Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 1748-0272
e-ISSN: 1748-0280
Access Period: 2006-03-01 -